Friday, May 2, 2008

I am now President of the U.S.A. So are you.

I’ve decided that from now on, my official title will be “President of the United States of America.” I hereby declare that title for myself, and for every person within the borders of any U.S. territory or state. Including illegal aliens. You, kind reader, are also the President of the United States of America. Your non-English speaking neighbor is, too. So are his kids.

Why have I had to make this declaration? Because I’ve noticed that Americans, of which I include those born here, abroad, and those who skipped over the border illegaly, have forgotten so much about how this Republic exists. We are not a nation, we are a Republic of 50 Nations and a few territories that are not pro-freedom enough to realize that they, too, are independent nations.

As 50 Nations, which is the definition of a State (a State is a country in its own), we made a decision a long time ago that we would elect a staff of people at a Federal/Republic level that would work for us with one primary intent: to make sure that the countries (”States”) that we live in do not trample on the rights we have as individual, given by God or inherently the moment you are born or conceived. There are many rights that all individuals of all countries and races and religions share: We inherently have the right to speak freely. We have the inherent right to prevent uninvited visitors from coming into our homes, and from forcing themselves to live there. We are inherently free to assemble with other people we like, but we’re also inherently free to decide not to assemble or do business with people we don’t like. We’ve the inherent right to practice whatever religion we want, or none at all. We’re free (inherently!) to travel as long as we don’t trespass, and we’re free to keep quiet if anyone questions us about illegal activities. We’re all free, from birth to protect our bodies and our properties from trespass, with force if necessary. We’re free to demand compensation if those we elect usurp our freedoms or trespass on our properties or bodies.

These are freedoms that every man has, just by being born (or conceived, depending on your definition of life). Those freedoms are inherent in all men: Americans, Mexicans, Canadians, Iraqis, Australians, and even the Chinese. They’re born with them. You’re born with them. No one can GIVE you those freedoms, and no one is allowed to take them away. No one.

When the 13 countries in the New World decided to unite, they didn’t decide to unite as one big country. It wasn’t an option. Instead, they decided to stay as separate countries, that is, States, but they were fearful of one another. They decided to elect a Federal branch of government for one sole purpose: to respect those inherent (”God-given”) rights that all are born with, regardless of nationality or citizenship, and to force the other countries to also respect those same rights. That’s what the Federal government was enacted to do. The States also knew that other countries not agreeing to these rules on States might decide to attack a single State, so they decided to give the power to call up a defensive army to this Federal Republic. The army would be called up from the various States to repel an attacker. The army would be composed of State armies, private militias, and individuals who voluntarily would commit to defending the land of other States (countries) within this Republic. Then the army would go home, back to farming, horseshoeing, running the saloons, the whorehouses, the main street stores and inns. It would dissolve, impossible to track down once the attack on another country (State) was stopped.

These 13 countries (States) also didn’t trust one another when it comes to money. Historically, all countries have harmed the individual by taking away their ability to choose what form of money they’d use. Some used dirt, others sand, some wheat, some used cows. Some used gold and silver, which for 6000 years had been the only safe form of a bartering medium. Since the 13 countries didn’t trust each other with money, they decided to force each other to pay their debts to individuals, and to other countries, only in gold and silver. Individuals were free to use whatever bartering medium they thought was good, and accept or deny how they were paid. The countries also gave the power to physically coin a currency to the Federal Republic, but that was only for the coins that the countries themselves used — individuals were free to barter between each other in any currency available and preferred.

The 13 countries were also fearful of pirates on the open seas, so they decided to band together and protect the borders on the seas with a united Navy/Coast Guard. This was not to be used to attack, but to watch for pirates and attackers. It was purely defensive.

There was really to be no leader of these 13 countries, which quickly grew to 50 countries, united as a Republic only to protect those inherent rights that all are born with. The President of this Republic had one task: enforce the laws of the Republic, if they followed the points above. Does the law restrict the inherent freedom to speak of any individual, foreign or domestic, that any of the 50 countries deal with? If so, the law can’t exist. The President can ignore it, and force the Republic to ignore it. Does a law or an action force an individual, foreign or domestic, to speak when they don’t want to? That is an illegal activity, and this President should immediately force the agent to stop it. Does a law or action trespass on a person’s body or property? If so, the law can not exist at any level, and force should be used against the government perpetrator.

The President of the Republic is not there to lead individuals, but to lead in force against any usurping of individual rights by any of the 50 countries (”States”), or any government body above or below them. The President does not lead, we as individuals do. The President’s sole power is not to make laws or decisions, but to Execute the few powers the Republic does have, and to ignore the powers that may breach those inherent, “God-given” rights that all men are born with.

If an illegal alien is captured by any government, those rights are still theirs. They’re born with it. The Rule of Law of the Republic, the Constitution, does not grant many rights specific to citizens, but to all People who are affected by the Republic or the countries themselves. Yes, the countries can kick them out, but they can’t force them to speak, jail them without telling people why, providing for their freedom to consult with a lawyer, know the charges against them, and ask for a jury. If for some strange and illegal reason the Republic or any individual country is acting outside of its borders (grossly illegal, immoral and unconstitutional), it has to understand that the foreign people they are harassing, killing, maiming and angering also have inherent rights that they can not trample on.

Some of these powers and restrictions are modified if the Republic is called to go to a defensive war, but we have not had a Declaration of War since World War II, so anything the Republic or the individual countries are doing internationally is illegal and should be stopped by the President (who again, is not a leader).

It is obvious that the recent Presidents, going back 90+ years, have ignored their oaths to the Constitution, their promises to protect the rights of the individuals (foreign and domestic), and to restrain the Republic from hurting the freedoms that all people are born with. This is why I declare all individuals to be the new President. It is now your job to remind others that they are free; the others can be people born within any of the 50 United Countries of the American Republic, or foreigners, or aliens residing in the borders of the 50 United Countries of the American Republic. Remind them that they are responsible for themselves and their families, first and foremost. No one is supposed to trample on the rights they were born with, the very rights that give them ability to succeed or fail. Most failure comes from individuals lying, or being lazy, or relying on someone else using force for their profit. No one fails because of bad luck, because we all have the ability to protect our families and heirs in the cases of bad luck. You might be dead, but you can protect yourself today using the market providing insurance policies out there.

We must realize that all humans are born free, even if someone else disagrees. We mortals do not need others to lead us together, as we all have different needs, abilities, and desires. We must lead ourselves, and when we do, we can be positive influences on our heirs. When we teach our heirs to lead themselves, too, they will be prepared for all risks and rewards in life. When we rely on others to lead us, we no longer have the knowledge that we are sovereign individuals responsible for our own actions.

When the current President of the Republic leaves office, the next President of the Republic will likely follow in his footsteps in forgetting that he or she is not there to lead us, but to make sure that the 50 countries don’t harm our ability to lead ourselves. Ron Paul might be the least aggressive in harming our individual rights, so I do believe he would do a good job returning the job of President to being a mere aggressor against the 50 countries themselves. That’s why I like the guy — he doesn’t want to lead me anywhere, or force me to do anything. He’ll leave me alone, but if the Country of Illinois tries to control me, he’ll step right in and give them the smack-down.

Sounds good to me.

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