Saturday, July 11, 2009

by David Horowitz
Obama Begins to Implode

Barack Obama is going to give "liberalism" a bad name. Now it's Miranda rights for terrorists captured on the field of battle. What's next, public defenders if they can't afford a lawyer?

This absurdity is only one of the many Obama embarrassments that have flowed from his need to throw bones to the anti-American left in his party. These include the endless panderings to the sensibilities of radical Islamo-fascists and bigoted moderate Muslims (pretending for example that there are two persecuted minorities in the Middle East whereas there is only one minority -- Jews -- and a bigoted oppressive majority -- Muslim Arabs who want to extinguish the Jewish state).

As Dick Morris pointed out the other day on Hannity, Obama has created a world of trouble for himself in the foreign policy area because Republicans are united against him and if he loses his extremist left on the war (which includes the chairs of most of the congressional committees), he will have an electoral majority against him. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

When I wrote about the Obama national security team and his inaugration celebration, which was pretty centrist, I didn't think he would be stupid and/or politically incompetent enough to try to govern openly from the left but he has. Moreover, he has rushed through radical (and radically destructive programs) and piled up a mountain of dangerous sovereign debt to do so. And now the chickens are coming home to roost.

By moving so radically and dramatically, he unified Republicans right out of the box. He did this through executive orders on borders, stem cell research, and by announcing he was going to close Gitmo among other things. This unity on the right was accomplished within six weeks of his Administration and will one day rank as one of the most inept, and self-defeating political acts in presidential history.

By moving so radically and swiftly, moreover, within a political framework that the founders set up to frustrate radicalism and within a political culture that is individualistic and distrustful of any government initiative, he has triggered a popular revolt that is sure to grow over time. We have already seen it in the rejection of the California tax initiatives and in the loss of the Democratic Senate majority in New York. These are just straws in the wind, however. Obama now owns the banking system, of which he has done absolutely nothing to fix. He owns the auto industry and its immediate future, which will not be bright. He is bidding to own the health care system. He already owns the economy with its 9% unemployment rates and rising.

And he is rapidly running out of money to paper over the problems. Already our sovereign debt situation is bad enough that countries financing our debt, like China, which are also our adversaries, are blowing warning signals in our direction that our borrowing days are numbered.

And he has a war in Pakistan and a war brewing in Palestine that he can't control.

And now the UN General Assembly has a Libyan president, making symbolic the control of that organization by the medievalists of the Islamic bloc.

The left is on the run in the European Union. The socialist government of England is about to fall. Can the Obama honeymoon be far behind?

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