Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A great big gusher of presidential goo

A great big gusher of presidential goo

Jonah Goldberg

In a peculiar instance of synchronicity, President Obama's Oval Office speech to the nation last night resembled the very calamity it was intended to address: Like the oil spewing into the Gulf, it began as a focused and narrow stream of words -- and quickly spread out into an amorphous cloud of goo.

What started as a just-the-facts-ma'am explanation quickly got caught up in political currents -- by the end we were treated to bromides about the Greatest Generation and putting a man on the moon and preposterous insinuations that the Red Chinese will turn Green before us. (China, mind you, is the country where the rivers burn, the air is crunchy and the government is building a new, filthy, coal-fired power plant every 10 days for the next decade).

Last night we saw just the latest installment of "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste," written by Rahm Emanuel and performed by The One. The immediate goal: to create the political climate where BP will bend over and say "thank you sir, may I have another" in perpetuity. Beyond that, to browbeat the public and Congress into accepting some version of cap-and-trade legislation that will export jobs and raise energy prices in the middle of a recession.

If we could defeat Hitler, we can hike your utility bills! If we could put a man on the moon, we can put an American manufacturing job in India! Yes, we can!

This points to the intractability of the political mess Obama is in. The White House desperately wants to focus on job creation and fiscal responsibility, or at least appear that way. But Obama's agenda incontinently blows in the opposite direction, and every other direction as well.

The president spoke movingly about the lost livelihoods of fishermen in the Gulf. "You know, for generations, men and women who call this region home have made their living from the water. That living is now in jeopardy. I've talked to shrimpers and fishermen who don't know how they're going to support their families this year. I've seen empty docks and restaurants with fewer customers . . ."

All too true. But what about the tens of thousands more Gulf residents who will see their jobs and customers vanish thanks to Obama's drilling moratorium, which may send offshore rigs to Africa for years to come? People have been working in those fields for generations, too.

Obama, in a now tiredly familiar attempt to blame the government's failures on the Bush administration, insisted last night that the government won't see oil companies as a "partner" anymore. I'm all for breaking the clinch between big government and big business -- but is Barack Obama, the de facto CEO of two car companies and an insurance firm, really the one to be tut-tutting such incestuousness?

Never mind the irony that BP was one of the original boosters of cap-and-trade, what to make of his rousing defense of the energy legislation passed by the House? Huzzah, quoth Obama, it "makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy for America's businesses."

Translation: Government will subsidize the likes of GE and Archer Daniels Midland to produce energy in ways that aren't profitable in the market. The "profits" will all come from the taxpayer.

Every calamity, according to the president, proves that his prepackaged campaign agenda is exactly what America needs to fix things. He somehow managed to convince a lot of people that we needed to overhaul health care in order to deal with the financial crisis. Now he wants us to believe that switching to a "green economy" will somehow ensure that we won't have environmental disasters like this anymore.

This is, quite simply, absurd. And it's also sad. The Obama presidency itself is becoming diffuse and amorphous -- because it is becoming clear the president is in over his head.

He admitted last night that he has no clue how we'll switch from fossil fuels to the new clean-energy nirvana. He conceded we don't "what that looks like" and we don't "know how to get there."

All he knows how to do is to keep talking.

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