Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama To Use BP Oil Spill As.........

Obama To Use BP Oil Spill As An Opportunity To Push His Economy Killing Climate Change Bill

Never one to to allow a "good crisis" to go to waste, Barack Obama is pledging to use the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as an opportunity to push the U.S. Congress to pass his controversial climate bill. In fact, during a recent interview Obama directly compared the current crisis in the Gulf to 9/11, and indicated that he believed that it would fundamentally change the way that we all look at energy issues from now on. But the truth is that Obama's climate bill is the same economy killing legislation that it was before the BP oil spill. It would still drive gas and electricity prices through the roof, it would still cause large numbers of U.S. businesses to flee overseas, it would still be one of the biggest tax increases in U.S. history and it would still usher in an unprecedented era of climate fascism. But now thanks to the BP oil spill there is suddenly a lot more momentum in Congress for doing something about energy and about "climate change".

Of course the truth is that carbon dioxide is not causing climate change and high levels of carbon dioxide are actually very good for the environment, but reducing carbon emissions has almost become a religion for radical environmentalists, and Barack Obama is absolutely determined to push through his "cap and trade" carbon trading scheme. In fact, just as 9/11 completely changed the war that Americans viewed the fight against terrorism, Barack Obama sees the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico fundamentally changing the way that Americans see energy issues. During a recent interview, Obama told Politico columnist Roger Simon the following....

"In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11, I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come."

Not only that, but Obama considers it one of his greatest "leadership challenges" to make sure that we all "draw the right lessons" from the BP oil spill....

"One of the biggest leadership challenges for me going forward is going to be to make sure that we draw the right lessons from this disaster."

So what are those "right lessons"?

Well, apparently what we are all supposed to get out of this disaster are the lessons that Obama has been trying to "teach" us all along - that carbon taxes and cap and trade schemes are good for us.

But Barack Obama is not the only one urging us to learn the "right lessons" from the BP oil spill.

In a recent interview with ABC News, Microsoft's Bill Gates also linked the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico with "climate change". Gates warned that if we don't make the necessary changes soon that we will suffer severe consequences....

"We'll have more crises like the oil spill and we'll have the supply disruption. We'll start to see more and more effects of the climate problem."

But would the climate bill that Obama is pushing really save us from "climate change"?

Of course not.

But Barack Obama's climate change bill would do the following things....

*It would drive gas and electricity prices through the roof.

*It would crush the already fragile U.S. economy by piling a bunch of new taxes and regulations on U.S. businesses. Needless to say, large numbers of them would begin looking for greener pastures.

*It would increase worldwide pollution by forcing companies out of the U.S. and into nations that have no restrictions on pollution whatsoever.

*When you add up all of the overt and hidden taxes in the bill, it would represent one of the biggest tax increases in U.S. history.

*Since every action we take involves the production of carbon emissions (including every breath that we take), it would open the door for an era of tyrannical climate fascism where the U.S. government literally monitors every aspect of our lives to make sure that we are being "eco-friendly".

But Barack Obama makes this climate bill sound like it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. In fact, he continues to promise that the number of "green jobs" gained by this bill will far outweigh the number of other jobs lost.

But is this true?

Of course not.

In fact, other countries that have tried a "cap and trade" scheme have experienced disastrous results. For example, a leaked internal assessment produced by the government of Spain reveals that the "green economy" there has been an absolute economic nightmare for that nation. Energy prices have skyrocketed in Spain and the new "green economy" in that nation has actually lost more than two jobs for every job that it has created.

The unemployment rate in Spain is now hovering around 20 percent and the economy there is on the verge of complete and total collapse. In fact, if the government of Spain does end up defaulting on their debts, it could make the financial crisis that has been unfolding in Greece look like a Sunday picnic.

It should be obvious to anyone with a brain that a climate bill like the one Spain implemented will devastate the U.S. economy. But facts haven't gotten in the way of Barack Obama pushing his agenda before, so why should they now?

However, it is not just Barack Obama that is pushing an agenda of trying to radically reduce carbon emissions. All over the world, many of the global elite have joined forces with the radical environmentalists in an effort to "save the world" from the growing "threat" of carbon dioxide.

And since each person on this planet is a source of constant carbon emissions, many of those who truly believe in this radical environmental agenda consider the rapidly growing population of the earth to be the number one cause of climate change.

You see, to those obsessed with "climate change", just getting corporations around the globe to radically cut carbon emissions is not nearly going to be good enough. The truth is that they know that in order to get carbon emissions down to where they want them to be, they are going to have to do something about the growing world population.

To them, in the "war against climate change" anyone who breathes is the enemy. In fact, according to an official UN report, no human can ever truly be "carbon neutral".

So please understand that for those obsessed with climate change, "carbon taxes" and "cap and trade" are just the beginning. To truly achieve their goals, "one child policies" and "forced abortions" will also be necessary.

So if Barack Obama does get his climate bill pushed through Congress and it does kill the U.S. economy, that would only be a "first step" for those truly dedicated to the radical environmental agenda. What they have planned down the road is a whole lot more horrific.

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