The West's protectionist war on the yuan
Terence Corcoran
China apparently worked hard behind the scenes to make it through the G20 Toronto Summit without getting mentioned in dispatches. The final communique says not a word about China specifically, although the country is imbedded in a reference to the need for "greater exchange rate flexibility in some emerging markets."
But the United States wasn't going to let China off that easily. President Barack Obama issued his own final communique, zeroing in on China as the world's bad-boy currency:
A strong and durable recovery also requires countries not having an undue advantage. So we also discussed the need for currencies that are market-driven. As I told President Hu yesterday, the United States welcomes China's decision to allow its currency to appreciate in response to market forces. And we will be watching closely in the months ahead.
It was the standard U.S. pitch on China, a fake free-market curve ball accompanied by threats of a trade war in Washington: raise the value of the yuan or face tariffs on exports to the United States. In Canada and across Europe, bashing China over its currency regime has become routine. After China announced before the summit that it would allow its currency, the yuan, to rise, Canada weighed in with a condescending response. "Some countries will want to see more detail and perhaps even a schedule of some sort," said Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.
An army of Western central bankers, IMF bureaucrats and economists have joined the China currency war, with vast media support. That support is likely mostly based on the idea -- reiterated by Mr. Obama at the Toronto summit -- that the Chinese yuan become subject to "market forces." Under this good-bad currency theory, the free market is supposedly represented by a flexible exchange rate against the opposite, the pegged rate now in place in China.
But as Steve Hanke of Johns Hopkins University writes opposite, the flexible-pegged dichotomy is a false one. In free market terms, the real currency divide is over whether a currency is freely convertible into other currencies. Unfortunately, the West's obsessive fixation on the Chinese peg and the calls for exchange-rate flexibility conveniently dodge the convertibility issues. The result is a self-serving policy push from the West that is aimed solely at getting the Chinese to do one thing -- raise the yuan-- that would reduce the competitiveness of Chinese goods. That's not opening the yuan to "market forces," as Mr. Obama said. Instead, re-pegging the yuan at a higher level would simply install a yuan value within a regime that denies the Chinese and others the freedom to convert yuan into other currencies, including dollars.
The real free market option, as outlined by Prof. Hanke, is to get China to adopt a true currency fix that would give the country the best of both worlds: a stable currency and convertibility. There is no economic mystery to this: Hong Kong has had a fixed currency for decades, set at HK$7.80 to the U.S. dollar, since 1983. It remains one of the most actively traded currencies in the world.
By aiming only at currency flexibility, Canada, the United States and Europe are forcing China to move to a crawling peg that maintains and even entrenches Communist government control over the economy and undermines the freedom of the Chinese people and others who are now forced to work with the yuan. When exports leave China, U.S. dollars flow into China and, due to the lack of exchange freedom, the U.S. dollars accumulate in the hands of state agencies. What China and the Chinese people need is foreign exchange freedom to do what they want with their yuan, making their own capital investments and trade decisions. That's where the market forces Mr. Obama talks about are missing.
Exchange flexibility may also do more damage to the Chinese and world economy. Over the last decade and more, China has benefited from currency stability, with the yuan pegged to the U.S. dollar. Robert Mundell, the Columbia University Nobel economist, says the peg, even with the lack of convertibility, made it possible for the Chinese economy to grow under stable conditions. "It's wrong," he said last week, "for the U.S. to force China to destabilize the [yuan]."
Even if the yuan were to climb slowly under a controlled peg, there is little reason to believe it would have any significant impact on made-in-China exports to the West, especially the United States. Much of the value of Chinese exports to the U.S. is built into the exports before they reach China for cheap assembly and processing. Manipulating the yuan to achieve trade purposes -- which is really what the United States is trying to do -- will not do anything to create jobs in the U.S., Canada or Europe. If the revaluation is severe enough, production would move from China to other countries.
The alternative to forcing currency instability on China, says Prof. Hanke, is to fix the yuan to the U.S. dollar Hong-King style, and remove the currency controls that prevent market forces from playing out within the Chinese economy. Chinese interest rates would move with U.S. interest rates and a convertible currency would bring market forces to bear on wages and prices within China under market conditions. Investments and currency moves would also follow markets rather than bureaucratic directives.
The risk to the West of a flexible Chinese currency is an even more unstable global system. Mr. Hanke said yesterday in an interview that if China were to follow the West's advice on currency flexibility and also allow convertibility, the result would not make protectionists happy. "If they floated with full convertibility, I think there's a pretty good chance the yuan would get weaker because there would be a helluva big outflow of funds." Chinese companies, citizens and investors -- sitting on a bottled up currency--would have a strong desire to diversify their portfolios outside China.
Whatever the market outcome might be in the wake of full convertibility, the West is currently playing a protectionist game with China and the yuan. It wants a higher yuan for self-serving reasons that have nothing to do with market forces. If the West wanted to maintain stability and release market forces, it would be pushing to fix the yuan under full convertibility.
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