Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yale Professor: Egypt Proves George Bush Was Right

Yale Professor: Egypt Proves George Bush Was Right

The protests in Egypt are proving that former President George Bush was right in his push for democracy in the Arab world, a leading Yale professor and best-selling author wrote Wednesday.

Stephen Carter, a left-leaning author, wrote in The Daily Beast that now it’s up to Obama to build on Bush’s legacy.

“Not long ago, President George W. Bush was considered naive for suggesting that the promotion of democracy in the Arab world should be a staple of American foreign policy,” Carter writes. “Two years ago, the same charge was whispered against President Barack Obama, when he suggested, in his Cairo address to the Muslim world, that self-government and freedom “are not just American ideas, they are human rights.”

Both presidents, he points out, were subjected to lectures by so-called “experts” and career diplomats who claimed that democratic instincts were alien to the region.

That thinking seems to be headed to the dustbin of history with the regime of Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak.

right on. Obama continues to make Bush look better and better every day.

unemployment was 4.6% and the deficit was $160 Billion until Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.

the USA is now losing soldiers in Afghanistan at a rate that is higher than in Iraq and Obama has not found Bin Laden.

Gitmo is still open.

Ft. Hood, underwear bomber, Muslim shooter at the recruiting stations, Iran nuclear programs, Mosque at Ground Zero, North Korea.

Add Obamacare ruled unconstitutional, Gates, Soros, GE/NBC, Alinsky, Wright, Ayres.

Obama makes Bush look better and better everyday (that is pissing off McCain).


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