Thursday, March 3, 2011

China should enjoy its triumph while it lasts

China should enjoy its triumph while it lasts

For China finally to have overtaken Japan as the world's second largest economy is a moment more important for its symbolism than its underlying significance.

China should enjoy its triumph while it lasts
Something utterly transformational needs to happen to make a significant difference to the way the Chinese juggernaut stays on the road. Photo: EPA

In purchasing parity terms, China has been bigger than Japan for some years.

Nor in absolute terms can China yet be regarded as unambiguously the second biggest; if the eurozone is thought of as a single economic unit (OK, so only true believers would), then along with the US, it's larger than China by a country mile.

Just to deflate China's moment of glory even further, in terms of its GDP per head, the Middle Kingdom is no better than Bosnia and El Salvador, or less than a fifth as rich as the US, and not much better on that measure against Japan and the EU either.

Wealth spreads pretty thin when applied to a population of more than 1.4 billion souls. Scanning the IMF rankings, countries in roughly the same ball park include Tunisia and Egypt, both of which have experienced popular uprisings in the past two months against repressive regimes.

Despite the fact that it now has more billionaires than America, China is still on most definitions a poor country.

And yet…And yet there is no more powerfully disruptive a force on the global stage right now than China. It is, if you like, the Google or Facebook of the world economy. Its influence goes way beyond its importance in terms of size.

The reasons for this are well rehearsed but always bear some repeating. In time-honoured fashion for countries playing economic catch-up with the West, China has chosen an investment, or export led path to growth. There is no other major economy in the world where domestic investment as a share of GDP is so high, and consumption so low.

The effect of this investment boom is at one and the same time to suck resources and technology in from the rest of the world, causing inflation in energy and other commodity prices, and to generate a massive surplus in goods, which is then exported for consumption to the rich West.

So far, this unashamedly mercantilist model of development seems to have served China well.

Yet for commentators such as Michael Pettis of Peking University's Guanghua School of Management, it's an approach which is almost bound to end badly. Never mind the ever more resentful and defensive reaction of Western nations, if Japan's experience of post war development is anything to go by, present stellar rates of growth will eventually grind to a halt.

Japan is a classic example of the dangers of extrapolation. Fast back to the devastation of post war Japan, and it was in about the same position in terms of GDP per head relative to the US as China is today.

There followed an extraordinarily rapid period of investment/export led development. By the 1980s, much the same thing was being said of Japan as is now routinely trotted out about China – that Japan would soon be bigger than America. Instead, there followed twenty years of stagnation.

Japan outgrew itself. Much the same fate could very easily befall China; it's quite possible that domestic consumption will never get big enough to absorb the very high levels of capacity that China is creating for itself. With export markets unable to fill the gap either, growth would stall.

The Chinese leadership is well aware of these fast approaching challenges. In a speech to the World Economic Forum's Summer Davos in Tianjin last summer, Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, admitted to a lack of balance and sustainability in the Chinese economy.

A key aim of the twelfth five year plan, due formally to be unveiled next month, is both better to spread the rewards of China's new prosperity and to re balance the economy away from investment and exports towards consumption. I've no doubt that Mr Jiabao is sincere in his ambitions, but we've heard them many times before, and so far there's not been a great deal of progress.

Sure enough, consumption has been growing strongly, but something utterly transformational needs to happen to make a significant difference to the way the Chinese juggernaut manages to stay on the road.

How might China bring this change about? Currency reform won't of itself do the trick, and in any case, is already happening to some extent. Thanks to relatively high levels of Chinese price and wage inflation, real exchange rate appreciation is quite marked.

Even so, as long as the savings rate remains as high as it is, you are not going to see any significant shift in the key drivers of growth. The maintenance of negative real interest rates on these savings through state controlled banks drives investment into what would otherwise be uncommercial investment.

The solution might therefore seem obvious; to introduce the social safety net that might persuade households to save less, and to increase savings rates in a manner that would remove some of the incentive to invest in excess capacity. The monopoly enjoyed by many state owned companies also needs to be tackled to reduce high levels of corporate saving.

These things are of course much easier said than done. China's approach is to move slowly and cautiously, so as not to upset the apple cart and end up with a situation where the investment growth is shut down before the consumption takes over.

But there is also a suspicion that the Chinese leadership actually quite likes the status quo, and beneath the rhetoric is in no mood for fundamental change.

Applying the surplus of savings to the purchase of overseas assets allows a form of cheque book diplomacy that no other nation can match. The geo-political power and influence thereby won must be constantly weighed against the social and political consequences of failing to deliver the Western lifestyle which hundreds of millions of Chinese now aspire to.

Both America and Europe face undoubted challenges in the brave new world China is creating. The $1.1 trillion President Barack Obama has promised to shave from the deficit over ten years falls way short of what's necessary to stabilise national debt in the US.

In Europe, efforts to make a dysfunctional single currency work as hoped stumble from one crisis to next. It's hard to see Europeans ever properly competing with the single-minded decision making of their Chinese counterparts.

Yet the rebalancing Europe and America must achieve to deliver a sustainable economy are as nothing against the great leap China faces in the decades ahead.

The Chinese should enjoy their moment of economic triumph over Japan while they can. The next stage of the catch-up will feel even more turbulent.

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