Friday, April 29, 2011

Lara Logan, Liar/Sexist

Lara Logan, Liar/Sexist: Denies Knowing Muslims Abuse Women; Says Gang Rape is How Men WorldWide (Not Muslims) Treat Women

By Debbie Schlussel

Wow. Lara Logan is either an huge liar or an incredible moron. I vote, Frickin’ Fraud. She’s turning her rape at the hands of Muslims into a politically correct, sexist, worldwide attack on “men” worldwide, claiming this is how all men treat women, including American and Western men. She says her rape “reaffirms the oppressive role of men in society.” Yup, Lara Logan’s rape by Muslims is a sign that all men around the world are rapists. Uh-huh.


Alhamdillullah [Praise allah], Islam Fan Lara Logan Whitewashes Islam, Muslim Gang Rapists, Muslim Treatment of Women

In her first official interview about her sexual assault in Egypt at the hands of the “moderate,” “liberal” Muslim “democrats” over whom she endlessly cheered and gushed on TV, Lara Logan says she didn’t know about “Egyptian” (yet another euphemism for “Muslim”) abuse of women, and she still won’t even utter the words Muslim or Islam. She then says of 200-300 men in Tahrir Square who gang-raped her,

They raped me with their hands.

She says it lasted for 40 minutes. Hmmm . . . raped for 40 minutes by a few hundred Muslims, and she just didn’t have the guts to tell us who did it, or to tell the world about it, then, when it mattered. Instead, she and her fellow mainstream media reporters, along with many mindless, stupid conservatives, cheered on these people as “liberals,” as “moderates,” as “democrats,” as preferred to U.S. ally and stable leader Hosni Mubarak.

And, Lara, as the execrable Dr. Phil would ask, “Howz that workin’ for ya?” Not to mention, how is it working for non-Muslims, for the U.S., for the West, for Israel, for the Middle East. Not good in any respect.

And as for her lie that she didn’t know about “Egyptian” abuse of women, if she’s that utterly ignorant, she had no business being a reporter there. This woman has covered the Middle East for years. She knows very well about Muslim abuse of women. She’s lying through her teeth. A Frickin’ Fraud.

Sorry, but responsible rape victims call out their rapists. Lara Logan won’t. Again, she won’t mention the I (Islam) or M (Muslim) words–they aren’t mentioned once in the interview. That’s because she’s a phony, no better than your average cowardly rape victim who allows the rapist to do it again. She’s much worse, though, because she presented her gang rapists as liberal democrats to the world and never bothered to correct the record. Not even now, well after the fact. And she continues to lie to allow her gang rapists to gang rape again.

Um, there is no nebulous “they” who raped here with their hands. It’s Muslims who raped her with their hands. She has a microphone, a bully pulpit, and a responsibility to say so. But she won’t. She’s not a rape victim I’ll feel sorry about. She’s a fraud. Anyone who claims they didn’t know that Muslims abuse women is either blind, deaf, and dumb or living on another planet. And she’s none of these. She knew, but she’s politically correct . . . and so she lies. It’s the same stuff I read on t-shirts of thugs and schmucks in the Detroit ghetto: Bros Over Hos. In Logan’s case it’s Islamic Bros Over Hos. Her political correctness trumps calling out rapists. Yup, she’s a ho, all right . . . for Islam. Whoring out her integrity to protect Muslim gang rapists.

The real victims here are the dummies around America who watched her cheerleading reports about her gang rapists and never saw her make a correction.

The world attacked me when I called Lara Logan out for cheering on savage Muslims as liberal democrats and then getting a taste of the “liberation” over which she gushed. But I was right then. And I’m right now. This interview with her–in which political correctness and pan-Muslims lies trump even her own rape story–says it in spades.

Yes, several hundred Muslims raped her with their hands. But she rapes the minds of billions around the world with her politically correct lies and attempts to cover up the fact that this is Islam–that this is how Muslims treat women.

Apparently, the only group of people in the world you’re allowed to identify as rapists are White Christian Duke Lacrosse players who never raped anyone.

More from this phony, who will never once mention Islam or Muslims, despite the fact that a few hundred of these savage believers in allah raped her for nearly an hour:

Lara Logan thought she was going to die in Tahrir Square when she was sexually assaulted by a mob on the night that Hosni Mubarak’s government fell in Cairo.

Ms. Logan, a CBS News correspondent, was in the square preparing a report for “60 Minutes” on Feb. 11 when the celebratory mood suddenly turned threatening. She was ripped away from her producer and bodyguard by a group of men who tore at her clothes and groped and beat her body. “For an extended period of time, they raped me with their hands,” Ms. Logan said in an interview with The New York Times. She estimated that the attack lasted for about 40 minutes and involved 200 to 300 men.

Anyone here believe that Muslims ripped her clothes off but only raped her with their hands and not their penises? If so, I have a few Middle Eastern deserts and wadis to sell you. She’s lying. Because she’s an absolute fraud who will lie to you and say anything to protect Islam, rather than tell the truth about her own rape.

Ms. Logan, who returned to work this month, is expected to speak at length about the assault on the CBS News program “60 Minutes” on Sunday night. . . .

Jeff Fager, the chairman of CBS News and the executive producer of “60 Minutes,” said that the forthcoming segment about the assault on Ms. Logan would raise awareness of the issue. “There’s a code of silence about it that I think is in Lara’s interest and in our interest to break,” he said.

PUH-LEEZE. Logan, CBS, and Fager aren’t breaking a code of silence. They’re maintaining it in the name of political correctness about Islam.

The assault happened the day that Ms. Logan returned to Cairo. . . . “The city was on fire with celebration” over Mr. Mubarak’s exit, she said, comparing it to a Super Bowl party.

Uh-huh. Muslim savages who gang rape are “just like” good old American sports fans at a Super Bowl party. You keep telling yourself that, Lara. The problem is that she keeps telling this to the world and won’t tell the truth.

As the cameraman, Richard Butler, was swapping out a battery, Egyptian colleagues who were accompanying the camera crew heard men nearby talking about wanting to take Ms. Logan’s pants off. She said: “Our local people with us said, ‘We’ve gotta get out of here.’ That was literally the moment the mob set on me.”

Mr. Butler, Ms. Logan’s producer, Max McClellan, and two locally hired drivers were “helpless,” Mr. Fager said, “because the mob was just so powerful.” A bodyguard who had been hired to accompany the team was able to stay with Ms. Logan for a brief period of time.

“For Max,” the producer, “to see the bodyguard come out of the pile without her, that was one of the worst parts,” Mr. Fager said. He said Ms. Logan “described how her hand was sore for days after — and the she realized it was from holding on so tight” to the bodyguard’s hand.

“My clothes were torn to pieces,” Ms. Logan said.

She declined to go into more detail about the assault but said: “What really struck me was how merciless they were. They really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence.”

Uh, yeah, but who is the “they” who were merciless and enjoyed her pain? We know who it is: Muslims. But she won’t say, because she’s–in the end–a pathetic, lying rape victim eager to protect her gang rapists for political reasons.

Is a person who covered war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Muslim nations for several years that stupid–that dense!–that she is suddenly “struck” by the mercilessness of Muslims and their joy at the pain of their victims, particularly Western and female victims? Then, she’s a clueless morons. And I don’t buy it, even if she was a swimsuit model and whore who slept around and broke up marriages in the war zone. She knows what Muslims are about. She just doesn’t have the guts to say so. Sorry, but this fraud-ette ain’t a rape victim. She’s a propagandist whose body was temporarily taken for the Muslim Brotherhood’s cause and who is now willingly, deliberately giving her mind and voice to protect them, too. A frickin’ liar with Cairo Syndrome (the Stockholm moniker needs to be changed).

Ms. Logan said she decided almost immediately that she would speak out about sexual violence both on behalf of other journalists and on behalf of “millions of voiceless women who are subjected to attacks like this and worse.”

Well, they are still voiceless because this new “voice” on their behalf won’t tell the truth about Islam and the Muslim identity of her gang rapists.

Oh, and here’s the big lie:

Before the assault, Ms. Logan said, she did not know about the levels of harassment and abuse that women in Egypt and other countries regularly experienced. “I would have paid more attention to it if I had had any sense of it,” she said. “When women are harassed and subjected to this in society, they’re denied an equal place in that society. Public spaces don’t belong to them. Men control it. It reaffirms the oppressive role of men in the society.

Uh, NO. Not “men.” MUSLIM men. This isn’t about men around the world, but this fraud, Lara Logan, is trying to turn what savage Muslim men did to her into something she can project onto Western men and men everywhere else . . . as if they behave the same as Muslim men. She knows better. But, again, she’s a fraud. A liar. A phony.

After the “60 Minutes” segment is broadcast, though, she does not intend to give other interviews on the subject. “I don’t want this to define me,” she said.

The rape will define Logan. And her political correctness to defend her Muslim gang rapists will define everything she does, as it did her undeserved gushing over the Egyptian Muslim savages in Tahrir Square.

Among the letters she received, she said, was one from a woman who lives in Canada who was raped in the back of a taxi cab in Cairo in early February, amid the protests there. “That poor woman had to go into the airport begging people to help her,” Ms. Logan recalled. When she returned home, “her family told her not to talk about it.”

And now that poor woman is being raped again by Lara Logan’s denial, just like her family’s. Don’t talk about it . . . at least, don’t talk about the Muslims involved.

On Sundays’ “60 Minutes,” you can be sure about one thing: there will be no truth about Lara Logan’s “40 Minutes.”

**** UPDATE: Reader S writes,

Debbie… Just read your article regarding Lara Logan. I happen to think that Lara logan is both a propagandist for the Muslim brotherhood as well as a rape victim. I do not believe that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive.

What I’m sure that we both agree on however, is that she is reprehensible for not confirming to the world (as many media outlets have reported) that those Muslims who assaulted her repeatedly shouted ‘JEW! JEW! JEW!’ during the attack. I don’t expect her to address that issue on 60 minutes either.


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