Ron Paul About To Announce
So far, Ron’s 2012 presidential vehicle has been his Liberty PAC, which can fund his travel, staff, etc. Once he sets up a presidential exploratory committee, just a niggling bureaucratic detail, he can raise money directly for his presidential campaign. And that exploratory committee must be set up to participate in the SC debate, which Ron will win hands down. Campaign manager Jesse Benton says Ron plans “to meet all the criteria and participate [in the debate],” reports the Spartanburg Herald-Journal. That means Ron Paul is running all-out for president.
‘Ron Paul Is Starting To Make Sense: The Esquire Profile’
Writes John Richardson on his blog: “Ron Paul is the most important politician in America today because he’s the rare politician — maybe the only politician — who always says exactly what he really believes. Unlike Paul Ryan, Hayley Barbour, Mitt Romney, Mitch Daniels, and Mike Huckabee, who all raised taxes while calling for lower taxes….” Here is the profile, Ron Paul: The Founding Father, and here is a (non-political) taste of it:
Paul usually stays away from personal topics — and he wouldn’t think of framing a political attack in personal terms — preferring to focus instead on ideas. But the intensity of the moment leads to a rare glimpse of his earliest memories and deepest motivations. “We were five boys and we were all born in the Depression, so there wasn’t really a lot of stuff around,” he begins. “You didn’t get allowances — you wanted money, you had to go work.”
He was five when he got his first job, checking the bottles on the conveyor belt at his father’s small dairy and earning a penny for each dirty one he caught. For the rest of his life, he remembered taking four or five of those pennies to the local store and getting a small bag of candy. He also remembered his grandmother saying they should hold on to the family land “in case the money goes bad.”
After that, Paul worked all the time. He was a star on the high school track team, president of the student council, a wrestler, a swimmer, and an honor student, but he also managed to mow lawns, deliver newspapers, clerk in a drugstore, paint his high school, and work for his father’s small dairy business. “I remember when I was sixteen, I thought I was pretty grown up because my dad allowed me to drive a truck,” he says with a smile. “The milk truck was a very important thing to me.”
Ron Wins Another Straw Poll
Here’s how the Worcester, Mass., Tea Party Straw Poll went: 1) Ron Paul; 2) Chris Christie; 3) Donald Trump; 4) Mitt Romney. Note that this is liberal Mass., home to the Mittster.
Redistricting Ron
The Republican establishment in Texas has always been anti-Ron, and has tried to defeat him a number of times with congressional redistricting shenanigans. Is this the latest attempt?
Gary Johnson the ‘Next Ron Paul’?
Apparently downplaying the drug war, and never having raised the war issue, Gary Johnson has announced for president. “If Johnson is the next Ron Paul, then President Obama was not only born in Hawaii, but he was delivered by Jack Lord,” says Bob Wenzel.
UPDATE from Norm:
The danger to Ron is not Reason fave Gary but Bachmann, who is the queen of the pro-war, pretend anti-fed, christianist anti-libertarian wing of the tea party and is a neocon attempt to co-opt Ron’s status as the outsider threat to the status quo. Johnson is competition; Bachmann is the enemy.
UPDATE from Tom Woods:
Naturally the leftists instantly attack him for his good points.
New Birth-Skeptic Book
Matt Drudge is promoting Where’s the Birth Certificate?, by Jerome Corsi, heavily.
Poker and Federal Troops
Writes Andrew Simpson:
Just called ‘my’ Congresswoman’s office and demanded to know why I can’t play online poker any more and also why our town (I live nearPort Huron, Michigan where there is an international bridge) seems to be overrun with Federal troops these days. Guess what? The Congresswoman was not available, the uninterested and snotty phone ansagirl did not know when she would be available, and she said she would ‘pass my concerns on to the Congresswoman’. YEAH, RIGHT!!! I just want to play online poker and drive more than 3 miles without going past an armed bureaucrat! Is that so hard? This woman Miller is supposed to represent my interests, and seeing as how she couldn’t even represent my interest in talking to her about the piss poor job she is doing representing me, I would have to redundantly say that she is doing a piss poor job of representing my interests! Does anyone really think this woman is doing anything beyond pandering to whoever fills her pockets the fastest and collecting all those sweet, sweet gubment bennies? Does anyone really think that one person can represent the interests of 720,000 others? I get the feeling that stealing online poker from the people might be the thing that gets a lot of them really angry.Thanks, Lew, for your web site. I donate when I can, the other sites are mostly cork boards for gov’t press releases. Keep up the great work!
Ron Paul Must Fish or Cut Bait by April 29th
Or FOX–famous for its strident anti-Ronism in 2008–won’t allow him in its May 5th South Carolina “debate.” (Thanks to John Pankratz)
Newt a Flop
The neocon Gingrich–who once denounced me for criticizing FDR, whom he called a “great conservative president”–raised a shocking $53,000 in the first quarter. Romney got $1.9 million, Bachmann $2.2 million, Ron Paul $3 million.
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