Tuesday, June 7, 2011

“Evil Zionist Jews Own US”

DISGUSTING: Helen Thomas (tHAMAS) Tells “Diversity Workshop”: “Evil Zionist Jews Own US”

By Debbie Schlussel
As you may recall, after Helen Thomas said that the Jews “should go back to Poland, Germany,” etc., she issued an “apology.”  You know–one of those “apologies” which the utterer doesn’t mean but says to save his/her job.  We knew she didn’t mean it, since she’s been attacking the Jews and Israel on behalf of her HAMAS and Hezbollah nazi buddies for decades (even before those organizations existed, she openly attacked Jews and Israel).  Well, now, there’s more confirmation that she didn’t mean it.  Earlier this week, I told you that on Thursday (yesterday), Ms. tHAMAS was keynoting a “diversity workshop” hosted by Arab Detroit.  Get a load of what she said there.  It’s far worse than her original statements.
Not Separated @ Birth
In addition to standing by her original comments this summer about Jews in Israel and how they should leave and “go back to Poland, Germany,” etc., Thomas went several steps further–all of it to eager praise and applause by our “moderate” Arab neighbors here in Detroit. As reported by the Detroit Free Press‘ resident Muslim propagandist, Niraj Warikoo:
In a speech that drew a standing ovation, Thomas talked about “the whole question of money involved in politics.”
“We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where there mouth is…We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”
I’m not surprised by these comments. It’s typical Helen Thomas, and it was tolerated by oodles of Presidents, GOP and Democrats, and the White House press corps for decades. And I’m not surprised by the standing ovation she got for it. Sadly, it’s shock–shock!–for the organized liberal Jewish community that keeps pretending that the Arab and Muslim communities in Detroit don’t constantly say and applaud such anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and statements.
These Muslims and Arabs (a good number of those in attendance were Islamo-sympathizing Christian Arabs who hate Jews just as much) are NOT “moderates” just because they live in the West. They gave a standing ovation to this modern day Protocols of the Elders of Zion spoken by a 90-year-old ugly hag. Oh, and the speech was given in the tax-funded Arab-American National Museum that hosts her sculpture (which isn’t as ugly as her, but close enough). The Museum got several million dollars from you, the American taxpayer, thanks to an earmark from conservative Republican Congressman Hezbollah Joe Knollenberg.
It’s interesting that Oralandar Brand-Williams, the Detroit Newsistan “reporter” didn’t have the guts to report that Thomas made these statements, which should tell you something: per usual, the Detroit Newsistan lies and whitewashes Muslims and their sympathizers like Thomas.
If they were even an iota true, I’d have a pretty good stake, since in the world according to tHAMAS, the Jews own everything. So, where’s my share? But Jews . . . er, Zionists don’t “own” these institutions. Sadly, Arab Muslim money speaks louder. Who paid for Bush the father, Bush the son, and Clinton the only and their Presidential libraries? Not the Jews . . . er, “Zionists.” And the last time I checked, the guy who owns e-Bay, Four Season, Saks Fifth Avenue, MicroSoft, FOX News, the Wall Street Journal, Harper-Collins Publishing, the New York Post, etc. was named Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal. Funny, it doesn’t sound like a Jewish–or even “Zionist”–name to me.
Oh, and Thomas played the old, dumb Arab semantics game of, “I can’t be an anti-Semite because I’m a Semite.” We all know anti-Semitism is the term for hatred of Jews, not Arabs. That’s always how it’s been used, and what it means. The word was coined that way. And it’s how the Nazis used it. However, since they play this game constantly, I usually call them what they really are: anti-Jewish and neo-Nazis.
But, hey, I’ll bet Whoopi Goldberg still defends her. Now, if Helen Thomas said 9/11 was perpetrated by Muslims (which is actually true), well, that’s a different story . . . . Because you can’t say that in America. So, who really owns America? I think we know the answer. And each person’s last name has an Al-something in it.

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