Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ron Paul Reveals Fox’s Judge Napolitano

Ron Paul Reveals Fox’s Judge Napolitano Might Make A Great Running Mate

Republican presidential candidate and Congressman Ron Paul answered several viewer questions during his appearance on Fox News today. Most of the questions and answers were very serious, yet when the last question addressed some rumors regarding who Paul might consider to be his running mate, Paul couldn’t help but crack a smile as he admitted a certain Fox Business host would be a great addition to any administration.
Paul suggested it was premature to discuss who he would pick as his Vice President, yet that didn’t stop him from singing the praises of Judge Andrew Napolitano:
“I do have to admit . . . I really admire Judge Napolitano, so I mentioned him [in response to someone asking previously who he would consider as a running mate] . . . I think he would be good in any administration. I think he would be grand on the Supreme Court.”
In today’s political environment, anything seems possible and Judge Napolitano being considered for a political appointment in Paul’s administration actually wouldn’t be that surprising. And just to clear up some other speculation, there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that Herman Cain would consider appointing Judge Judy to the Supreme Court.
Watch the clip from Fox News below:

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