Monday, August 29, 2011

'Dick Cheney Has Won The Day' On Foreign Policy

Joe Scarborough: 'Dick Cheney Has Won The Day' On Foreign Policy (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post

Joe Scarborough

Joe Scarborough declared Dick Cheney the winner of the debate on American foreign policy on Monday's "Morning Joe."

The MSNBC host was discussing Cheney's new memoir "In My Time," when he alleged that the Obama administration was following in the footsteps of Cheney's aggressive approach foreign policy, and getting none of the flak for it. He said, "Dick Cheney has won the day on policy, as far as foreign policy goes," citing President Obama's troop surge in Afghanistan and the expansion of drone attacks.

Scarborough was quick to react when guest Wes Moore argued that the Obama doctrine's was different from Bush-Cheney's because the U.S. was not acting alone. Scarborough argued that that the U.S. was upping its actions in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq when no one else is doing the same. He said Obama's policy seemed to be, "We can unilaterally drop bombs on any country that we wanna drop bombs on, whenever we wanna drop bombs on 'em, whether we've declared war or not."

"They can say whatever they want to say, but at the end of the day, their policies seem to be Bush-Cheney policies," Scarborough said.

He even went one step further, saying that Obama "even more excessive than Cheney on unilateralism on some fronts." As an example, he said that U.S. has replaced waterboarding, which he said happened to "two or three people" with "assassination."

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