Saturday, October 22, 2011

Krauthammer down on Herman Cain: ‘He is winging it’

October 22, 2011
Krauthammer down on Herman Cain: ‘He is winging it’

Say what you want about former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain’s presidential bid and his missteps along the way, but one can’t argue with the results. He has an edge in the average of the major polls and even picked up a straw poll victory in Nevada on Friday.

Nonetheless, that isn’t impressing Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer. In his regular appearance on the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” on Friday, Krauthammer castigated Cain, mainly for his confusing response on the abortion issue on “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network earlier this year.

“[I] saw him on ‘Stossel’ on abortion – entirely incoherent,” Krauthammer said. “On one hand, people ought to have choice. On the other hand life is sacred from the beginning and abortion ought to be illegal. This isn’t a complicated issue. It’s one or the other. It can’t be both. Stossel was simply stunned. And if you combine it with the ‘9-9-9’ stuff, it is not that he just hasn’t thought it out. He is winging it. And that is a real problem.”

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