Friday, November 4, 2011

Cain’s Revenge: Cheered at Conservative Summit, Still Ahead in Polls, Accusers Stay Anonymous, Romney Hits Iowa… Since the AM Note

Quiz – Who is the Koch Brothers’ self-described “Brother from another Mother?”

Herman Cain – Here’s the latest:

The attorney for one of Herman Cain’s ’90s-era sexual harassment accusers said his client wants to put the whole thing behind her. She won’t be going public, describing the incidents, or doing any interviews. It is clear that media outlets have the woman’s identity, but it has not yet been made public. The attorney, Joel Bennett, said only that there were repeated incidents of harassment. He wouldn’t say if they were verbal or physical.

But there was innuendo aplenty from Bennett.

“Where there’s smoke there’s fire,” he told reporters in Washington. “Mr. Cain knows the specifics” of the harassment complaint, the woman’s attorney, Bennett, said during a press conference in front of his Georgetown law office. “It had very specific incidents in it. If he chooses not to remember or to not acknowledge those, that’s his issue.”

In their statement the National Restaurant Association makes no mention of an investigation pursuant to the woman’s claims, saying just that an agreement was made with no admission of liability.

ABC’s Ariane de Vogue points out that falls short of what Cain told Fox earlier in the week. He said there was an investigation and “it was found to be baseless.” There are very good legal reasons for the NRA to limit its statement, …but still, Cain is the only one saying anything was found to be “baseless.”

But of a reported $80,000 in settlements between the National Restaurant Association with two women and a third woman who told the AP she’s considered filing a complaint against Cain, there is no public face or name to accuse the former Godfather’s pizza CEO and Republican frontrunner. Confounding crisis response 101, he weathered the week in Washington, appearing frequently in public.

Hero’s Welcome – Cain got an extremely warm reception at the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity forum in Washington this afternoon.

And he made sure to pay homage to the benefactors, describing himself as the “Koch brothers’ brother from another mother.”

From Huma Khan and Emily Friedman: “As the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza walked in, people stood up, cheered and clapped and screamed. Some even rushed to the stage to get photographs. Romney only got one standing ovation, when he said he would repeal the federal health care law.”

There’s also the small matter of the new CREW campaign finance complaint against Cain for the activities in Wisconsin of Chief of Staff Mark Block.

How’s he doing it? - Why is Cain maintaining his popularity?

And how popular is he? The numbers from Gary Langer:

But will all that enthusiasm mean votes? Michael Falcone and Shush Walshe went to a Cain Iowa office: “During a lunchtime visit this week to Cain’s headquarters, located in a shopping center in the Des Moines suburb of Urbandale, reporters from ABC News found about a dozen volunteers telephoning potential supporters, many of them older Iowans. When ABC returned in the evening — a time when local campaign offices would usually be packed with an after-work crowd — only two volunteers remained in the office. They said that others were at home making placards for Friday night’s Iowa Republican Party Dinner, which Cain does not plan to attend.”

Romney v. Perry – And it was 4th place Perry, not 1st place Cain, who got some attention to get some attention from Romney today.

Mr. Consistency – During a New Hampshire editorial board Romney described himself as being about as consistent as any human being could be. You’ll see this again. We mentioned it yesterday, but here’s the video to prove it:

Details! – Romney gets specific with his economic plan, reports Emily Friedman:

Gingrich Slow Boomlet, cont’d – Elicia Dover reports that he’s cracked 10 percent – at 12 – in the most recent poll. That’s a rise from the single digits. But it’s not winning any early primaries.

Personhood Politics – On the ballot next week with two governors, a couple score of referendums and various local issues will be the question of personhood in Mississippi. The Mississippi measure has opened up a new chapter in the abortion debate. Anti-abortion groups gained fresh momentum after Republicans won the U.S. House of Representatives, and many state legislatures, by a landslide last year. Many of these groups believe they are getting increasingly closer to taking the issue to the Supreme Court and overturning the controversial Roe v. Wade decision. Huma Khan looks at the pickle for moderates like Chris Christie and (ahem, Mitt Romney)

If Bill Were in Charge – Bill Clinton says Obama and Democrats should have taken his advice in 2010. And he thinks the Democrats shouldn’t be so hard on the rich. Just do what he did.

Unemployment 9 Percent, but only 80,000 Growth- Jobs Numbers Spin

White House – Not fast enough growth, but numbers are “volatile.”

Capitol Hill – Pelosi blamed Republicans. Boehner blamed Senate Democrats:

Both Boehner and Pelosi (he’s wealthy and she’s really wealthy and both are in the stock market) are apparently in the crosshairs of 60 Minutes.

Almost $15 T and counting – Any day now we’ll hit the $15 trillion in national debt mark. Woo hoo.

Idiots Guide to the Greek Debt Crisis:

Obama and Sarkozy Honor the U.S. / French Alliance in Cannes – As members of the military from both countries looked on in the rain, Obama noted how French and American troops have served side-by-side from the trenches of the First World War to the war in Afghanistan and, most recently, in the skies over Libya.

“Every man and woman in uniform who participated in this effort can know that you have accomplished every objective. You saved the lives of countless Libyan men, women and children. And today, the Libyan people have liberated their country and begun to forge their own future, and the world has once again seen that the longing for freedom and dignity is universal,” Obama said. More from Mary Bruce:

House 2012, Dems’ version – Democrats say they’re optimistic they can take back the House in 2012. Seems like a tall order, but here is their aggressive spin:

Spy Kids – What are your kids learning at the CIA and NSA websites –

Swing Senator – We can’t get enough of Jon Karl’s Jim Webb interview and how the moderate retiring senator in the swing state hesitated about campaigning for the president.

McCaskill’s Run – She’ll be in a tough reelection fight, but the senator from Missouri has found time to trim down, losing a remarkable 50 pounds and tweeting all the way.

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