Thursday, December 22, 2011

Boehner: Deal Reached To Extend Payroll Tax Cut

Boehner: Deal Reached To Extend Payroll Tax Cut

"Sen. Reid and I have reached an agreement on payroll tax relief on behalf of the American people. Key parts of this agreement are that on Jan. 1, no American worker will see an increase in their taxes. We will ensure that a new complex reporting burden is not unintentionally imposed on small businesses. This solution will, at a minimum, prevent small businesses bearing new administrative burdens and ensure that American workers will see their tax relief as soon as possible. The Senate will join the House in immediately appointing conferees with instructions to reach an agreement in the weeks ahead on a full one-year payroll tax deduction along with unemployment reforms, an extension of unemployment, and the so-called 'doc fix' for two years. We expect that these members will work expeditiously to complete the one-year extension that all of us want," House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday evening.

Boehner says it "may not have been the politically smartest thing in the world" to push for a one-year extension of payroll tax cut.

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