Friday, December 16, 2011

Finis America: Year End Report 2011

Finis America: Year End Report 2011

– by Adrian Krieg

Dr. Adrian Krieg
It's over, and I mean all of it. If Obama is re-elected, America is doomed. The progressive process begun by President Wilson and then carried forward by FDR, Carter, Clinton and W. Bush will be institutionalized with Obama's second term and the republic will die. Leading up to this has been a long line of Republocrat progressives, i.e., socialists in disguise – people like Senator McCain (R, AZ). I know many will not believe me so let me tell you how I came to this horrific conclusion.

In the first week of December 2011 the Senate – or more exactly, 93 US senators – committed high treason when they voted to pass the McCain/Levin Defense Spending bill (NDAA). This was hardly the first act but rather the last straw. The only opposition came from Senators Rand Paul (R, KY), Mike Lee (R, UT) and five other senators who are literate and able to read the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In the end, 7 senators voted correctly against and 93 voted for the bill and against America.
First came the USA Patriot Act that was passed by both houses within six weeks of 9-11, in October 2001. In 2011 when it was due to expire, Congress voted for it again with a huge majority. This law violates the habeas corpus provision of the US Constitution, which has been part of law in the English-speaking world since 1679 with the passage by the English parliament of the Habeas Corpus Act, a concept that had been enshrined in the Magna Carta, signed at Runnymede in 1215.
The Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution, was passed by Congress on December 15th, 1791. The USA Patriot Act violates the first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eight, ninth and tenth provisions of the Bill of Rights. One stipulation of the McCain/Levin NDAA bill violates the Posse Comitatus Act that was the result of the massive civil rights violations brought about during Reconstruction by the Yankee government, which was passed by Congress as U.S.C. 1385 on June 18th 1878.
Janet Reno, the US attorney general in the Clinton administration, first violated posse comitatus in Waco Texas. The only historic parallel to this treasonous event is the German Weimar Republic's ERMAECHTIGUNGSGESTEZ, which established dictatorial powers of the Nazi Party in Germany on March 23, 1933 thus ending the German Weimar Republic. We are, as a nation, following in the steps of England before Lady Thatcher, which was also an Empire, and Germany, which also had similar aspirations. We all know from world history that with few exceptions empires do not enjoy long life
We must address a non-political concern relating to the economic situation in America because it has great relevance to the issues at hand. The financial and banking systems of the West are in a state of collapse. Americans, with their woeful ignorance on economic issues, seem totally unaware of this situation.
Machinations by JP Morgan Chase and MF Global in the gold and silver markets point to massive fraud in the precious metal commodities markets. The market fundamentals are that we have had $3.54 trillion in spending and a $2.19 trillion revenue, producing a 2011 loss of $1.35 trillion – and that's just for 2011. All of the suggestions offered by Congress and the Executive's so-called solutions are pure BS. Not one candidate, except for Ron Paul, addresses the immediate problem and all attempt to delay instituting any fixes until ten years from now, by which time they'll all be out of office.
American education, corrupted by Jimmy Carter with his establishment of the Department of Education in 1980, has resulted in the dumbing down of the entire American population to levels heretofore undreamed of. In just over 30 years we went from number four in the world in student competency to number thirty-four. Americans are economically, geographically, historically and judiciously uneducated and are thus simple to manipulate.
A current college freshman could not pass an 1850s sixth grade matriculation test. Or as the old axiom goes, those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. Worse yet, all Americans have been subjected to political terrorism in the form of Cultural Maxims, commonly called Political Correctness (PC), a process whereby black is white and up is down and anyone not playing along is immediately demonized. Our major education labor unions, the AFT and NEA, are totally immersed in socialist policies and supporting of PC and self-aggrandizement for their membership.
It may not be possible to defeat Obama in 2012, regardless of what happens between now and the election or who the Republicans have on their ticket. The electorate is so annoyed with Congress and fed up with the corruption that they will stay away from the polls. Figuring that many people have a lot of personal gains or losses in play and that many Republicans will stay at home, disgusted with the choice offered, if the left is able to get their people to vote we may see a landslide win by Obama, because those numbers top 50%.
Those on government dependency will always vote for the provider of their benefits regardless of the impending collapse of the entire system, just as is taking place in Europe. What is far worse is the prospect that after winning the election Obama will institute amnesty for illegal aliens, which will give Democrats another 24 million voters and will permanently change America from a free and open society of economic equality to a socialist hell hole with permanent class warfare.
The good news is that this will continue only until everyone is broke, which will be in about 15 years.

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