Monday, December 5, 2011

Liberty Conspiracy - 10-13-11 News! US Politicians Decry Assassination Plot - After US Assassinates US Citizen, Dale Farm, UK, Update

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Anyone notice that politicians seem to be more and more confident that they can get away with double-speak and hypocrisy? Just two weeks ago, the US government killed a US citizen they accused of "terrorism", killed without trial or a presentation of the evidence against him. Then, a fortnight later, the US government proudly announces that its agents have busted a plot to ASSASSINATE an Arab ambassador. While the Arab ambassador is not seen as a criminal in the eyes of the US politicians, the Iranians claim that Saudi Arabia has been guilty of assisting the US government in its campaign of killings of innocent Muslims in the Middle East. So on the one hand, the US claims it is illegal and bad to try to assassinate a person who has not been proven to have done anything bad, and on the other, the US officials claim that it is a noble thing to kill a person who has not been proven to have done anything bad -- but in the latter case, it is the US government that's doing the killing, so it is alright, we're told.

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