Monday, December 5, 2011

One problem, two visions (part I)

The euro crisis

  by Charlemagne | BRUSSELS

IT SEEMS odd, at first sight, to see the markets taking so much hope from two speeches in two days - one by France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and the other by Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel - that revealed more differences than agreement on how to resolve the euro zone's debt crisis.

Perhaps it is the fact that both say the European Union's treaties should be changed, and any agreement on any subject is good news. Or perhaps it is the hope that, whatever they say in their opening bids, they will come up with enough of a deal at the next European summit on December 8th-9th to allow the European Central Bank to deploy its “big bazooka”.
Then again, markets have often rallied ahead of summits in the expectation of an agreement, only to be disappointed within days, or even hours, of the latest half-step being announced.
Neither Mr Sarkozy nor Mrs Merkel offered any real detail of what should be included in a revision of the treaties. But even their vague outlines reveal contrasting philosophies. I give a fuller analysis of the speeches in the next post (here). In summary:
- Mr Sarkozy places the emphasis on “solidarity” among European states (ie, joint Eurobonds, and no defaults or debt-restructuring after Greece), while Mrs Merkel gives priority to budgetary discipline and rules.
- Mr Sarkozy urges the European Central Bank to act; Mrs Merkel is jealous of guarding its independence
- Mr Sarkozy wants to create a hard core of euro-zone countries within the European Union; Mr Merkel wants to include as many non-euro states as possible
- Mr Sarkozy wants to Europe to integrate through the action of leaders (reproducing France's presidential system, with lots of discretion for the executive); Mrs Merkel favours more independent institutions like the European Commission and the European Court of Justice (more akin to Germany's federal structure, which retricts politicians' leeway)
These differences should come as little surprise. It has been ever thus in the EU. The Franco-German motor is not made for harmonious co-operation, but rather to manage and contain the many disagreements between Paris and Berlin.
Still, something has changed recently. In the past year, Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy (“Merkozy”, as they are known) have tried to resolve their differences behind closed doors, and then issued a joint declaration setting out their position ahead of European gatherings.
This happened at the Franco-German summit in Deauville in October last year, when they agreed that private creditors should share the pain of rescuing collapsed economies. A year later, the two leaders claimed to have found “total accord” when it was patently untrue: they soon had to postpone the EU summit in October, and then held a second one days later, in order to overcome their differences over a second Greek package and how to boost the euro zone's rescue fund.
So now, just a week before a key summit of European leaders, Merkozy chose to set out their stalls separately, before meeting at a Franco-German summit on December 5th, that may find some kind of compromise.
Mr Sarkozy's appearance was, in effect, a campaign speech, with many barbs aimed at the opposition Socialist party as well as exhortations to fellow Europeans. He spoke at a party rally in Toulon, where in 2008 he had vowed to reform capitalism. Now he says it is time to reform the European Union. Mrs Merkel, by contrast, gave a matter-of-fact speech in the Bundestag to outline her negotiating position at the forthcoming summit.
In a sense, neither of these speeches really matters. Any new treaty, even a limited one, will take month to negotiate and, probably, years to ratify. What is important, in the short term, is whether European leaders come up a sufficiently credible promise to reform, and rein in those who break budgetary rules, to allow the European Central Bank to use its “big bazooka” more freely without fear of moral hazard.
Earlier this week, the ECB president, Mario Draghi, hinted that he might be willing to do so, if euro-zone countries reached a new "fiscal compact". He did not define it, and did not say treaty change was needed. Another hopeful sign is that Germany, while rejecting permanent Eurobonds, is now floating a proposal to mutualise, probably temporarily, all excesive debt above 60% of GDP.
This is not quite joint Eurobonds, but may set a precedent for them. In any case, for the first time Germany may be saying ja to something after months of nein. That would be something to cheer.

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