Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Pentagon has undertaken war games on currency and finance as countries jostle for survival and position with the Euro in danger of collapse.

The Pentagon has undertaken war games on currency and finance as countries jostle for survival and position with the Euro in danger of collapse.

The Pentagon has undertaken war games on currency and finance as countries jostle for survival and position with the Euro in danger of collapse.
Press TV has talked with Max Keiser, financial analyst in Paris about the new economic treaty proposal between Germany and France to rescue the collapsing Euro and the impact this could have on other countries if approved.
Max Keiser explains the unfolding of a global currency war and how major countries are positioning themselves. Following is a transcript of the interview.
Press TV: What is the deal with Britain in terms of this whole scenario that’s been played out since they’ve been left out in the cold – Are they the ones preventing this new treaty from happening?
Max Keiser: Britain is in a really precarious position. They have a debt to GDP ratio of over 1,000 percent. 400 percent of that is just in their banking sector alone. So now they’ve completely isolated themselves from the rest of Europe. So David Cameron wants the city of London to be the global headquarters for fraud – you remember AIG, MF Global, Lehman Brothers and Bernie Madoff – all had their operations in London.

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