Wednesday, December 14, 2011

VIDEO: ICC and NATO: Increasingly Political Tools of the West?

VIDEO: ICC and NATO: Increasingly Political Tools of the West?

While the International Criminal Court ( ICC) seeks arrest of leaders of Libya, it has failed to take action against leaders of USA, UK, France, Israel, etc. for true and enormous war crimes, (including torture and killing of almost a million Iraqis), committed during illegal wars and on the occupied territories of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and now Libya. It is obvious to the world that the ICC is a tool of domination by the U.S. and NATO and as such ICC refuses to take action against dominant powers or their favored tyrants. Accordingly, it has relegated itself to merely being a means of enforcing imperial politics, justifying imperial crimes and perpetrating victor's justice. – 

Dominant Social Theme: The ICC is symbolic of the progress that the world is making toward justice for war criminals and peace for everyone else.
Free-market Analysis: We wrote of ICC's latest appeal to the UN in another article in today's Daily Bell, and this video clip from Russia Today (posted in June) explains in some detail how the ICC is actually a kind of tool for an increasingly aggressive neo-colonialism taking place throughout the Middle East and Africa.
The proximate cause of the interview is the Libyan "rebellion" that was in its infancy at the time. But the interview highlights the differences between the ICC's rhetoric and the reality of what is taking place.
The interviewee is philosopher and historian John Laughland, employed by the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation – a think tank founded in 2008 by a Russian lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena. According to Wikipedia, it is "funded by Russian NGOs and private businesses."
The video on YouTube is accompanied by a lengthy narrative explaining the double standard under which the ICC operates and how, along with NATO itself, the world's major judicial and military facilities are increasingly manipulated by the West's Anglosphere power elite. Here's an excerpt:
Gadaffi is being forced to fight a rebel force that conducts combat operations without uniforms while also having to face NATO airpower thereby making it impossible for him to differentiate between civilian and combatant without having his forces destroyed.
Now NATO controlled rebel forces have been allowed to hide behind civilians and as civilians while conducting an illegal war using external forces as proxies whose main purpose is not to provide freedom but instead gaining a foothold towards the ultimate goal of controlling Libyan oil.
Accordingly, the U.S. and NATO bears some responsibility in a war in which NATO is "destroying Libya in order to save it" while holding Gadaffi responsible for opposing a small and ineffective internal insurgents - the West normally would call as "domestic terrorists."
Additionally, Gadaffi has offered amnesty to fighters in exchange for ceasing hostilities. However, instead of working towards peace NATO has been humiliated and so now seeks to expand the destruction of Libyan state due to its own political and military embarrassment.
But, to continue mass death and destruction due to incompetence, hubris and the failure of understanding your limitations of the strength of your enemy is no basis to allow the continued loss of life and destruction of infrastructure.
The saving of face by NATO should not be allowed to be consideration by the ICC in its determination to issue warrants because it is the NATO attacks that brought true war crimes against Libyan people and have exasperated the conflict. 

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