President Barack Obama’s new defense strategy is chock full of myths as
his soon-to-arrive 2013 budget promises to detail national security
changes at this critical “moment of transition.”
Last week
Obama spoke from the Pentagon briefing room saying this “moment of
transition” is the confluence of ebbing security challenges and the
necessity to put our fiscal house in order. He promised his new
strategy will “guide our defense priorities” and satisfy Congress’
mandated cuts, while maintaining the “greatest force … ever known,”
without repeating past mistakes.
That is a tall order, but for
now all we have to judge are statements and the Pentagon’s strategy,
“Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century
Defense.” Those sources espouse at least six myths that should alarm
Congress and the American people about the President’s stewardship.
Myth #1: Obama contends “the tide of war is receding.” That is not true.
claims credit for ending our role in Iraq, but that war continues.
After the President ordered our withdrawal, Iraq exploded in sectarian
violence and political turmoil that threatens to avalanche across the
Middle East.
The tide of war isn’t receding in Afghanistan, but
Obama intends to abandon that fight too. He is rushing for the exits by
negotiating with the Taliban enemy. No wonder neighbor Pakistan is
proving uncooperative.
The war on terror is expanding across
much of Northern Africa—Nigeria to Somalia. And the year-long Arab
Spring keeps the Mideast on edge from Tunisia to Bahrain to Yemen.
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta boasts about NATO’s operation against
the Libyan dictator. Is the secretary not aware of the raging tribal
and militia disputes tearing that country apart? And our longtime ally
Egypt will soon be ruled by anti-West Islamists who hate Israel, and
Syria is hosting a bloody civil war. Then there is Iran, which is on
the precipice of atomic weapons status and threatens to close the
oil-strategic Strait of Hormuz.
Myth #2: Obama said, "We can’t afford to repeat the mistakes that have been made in the past." But that is what he is about to do.
President intends to cut our ground forces by 100,000, and he pretends
ships and aircraft can replace those troops in the future high-tech
world. That ignores bloody lessons from the times leading up to World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the wars that followed the 9/11 attacks.
seldom pick our enemies, and those we fight seldom go after our
strengths—air and sea power. Inevitably our enemies attack our
vulnerabilities, and fielding an undersized ground force means we face
more long and bloody ground wars.
Myth #3: The U.S. no longer needs a two-war doctrine. That doctrine dates back to the Cold War,
when we were prepared to simultaneously fight North Korea and Soviet
forces. Obama’s strategy calls for enough forces to fight a single
large-scale war while conducting a holding action in a second region.
prompted this change? Obama’s 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR)
states, "U.S. military forces must plan and prepare to prevail in a
broad range of operations that occur in multiple theaters in overlapping
time frames. This includes maintaining the ability to prevail against
two capable nation-state aggressors …”
Perhaps part of the
change rationale is the administration’s view that we will no longer
conduct stability and counterinsurgency operations such as in Iraq and
Afghanistan. But the potential for such operations in a volatile world
remains high, and it is naïve to deny otherwise.
Abandoning a
two-war doctrine is also dangerous not only because we lack flexibility
and a right-sized force for global missions, but also because it sends a
bad message that weakens deterrence. The thinking is that once we are
decisively engaged, other adversaries will feel relatively free to do
Myth #4: The strategy is not
budget-driven. Panetta argues that we don’t have to “choose between our
national security and fiscal responsibility.” But Obama’s strategy
insists it is a “national security imperative” to reduce the deficit
“through a lower level of defense spending.”
Sen. John McCain
(R.-Ariz.) is suspicious. He said the U.S. can’t afford a
“budget-driven defense strategy” even though he accepts some defense
cuts. But what makes this strategy appear to be budget-driven is the
fact that it is so radically different from Obama’s 2010 QDR, which laid
out a much more robust force.
McCain should also be suspicious
that Obama intends to cut defense in order to protect entitlement
programs. Put the issue in historic context. In 1960, defense spending
was 47% of all federal spending compared with only 19% today. In 2021,
after the planned defense cuts, Pentagon spending will account for 2.7%
of the gross domestic product (GDP) compared with 11% for Obama’s
entitlement package, and that is before his $2.6 trillion health plan is
Myth #5: A smaller nuclear force
will provide all the deterrence needed. The President’s strategy calls
for further reductions in our nuclear weapons inventory and “their role
in the U.S. national security strategy.”
Defense officials
decline to elaborate on how the administration will maintain our nuclear
deterrence with fewer weapons and a downsized atomic triad of ballistic
missiles, bombers and submarines. The key is making certain our force
is optimal in size and capability, but that is the catch.
U.S. has about 5,000 nuclear warheads, and agreed with the Russians via
the 2010 New START treaty to reduce the number of deployed weapons to
1,550. Does Obama intend to cut beyond the START numbers, and does he
plan to invest in modernization as are the Russians and Chinese?
Getting more deterrence from a smaller force in a growing nuclear-threat
environment demands a lot more explaining than a sentence in the new
Myth #6: The U.S. is not at war with
China. That’s the administration’s mantra, but its actions say
something very different. We are “rebalancing” forces to the
Asia-Pacific region, investing in new technologies and platforms to
address China’s military threat, and pouring funds into developing
stronger Asia-Pacific alliances.
Recently Obama labeled Asia a
“critical region,” and insisted any cuts to the military will not come
at the expense of an expanding U.S. presence in Asia. His strategy
states that the U.S. “must maintain its ability to project power in
areas in which our access and freedom to operate are challenged.”
China challenges U.S. operations in Asia, which explains the strategy’s
promise to implement the new Joint Operation Access Concept,
“sustaining our undersea capabilities, developing a new stealth bomber,
improving missile defenses, and continuing efforts to enhance the
resiliency and effectiveness of critical space-based capabilities.”
China-focused concept is driving decisions to keep the Navy’s current
fleet of 11 aircraft carriers, and develop new bombers and more
submarines. Also, expect more troops in Asia like those Obama promised
for Darwin, Australia.
The inescapable conclusion is that
Obama’s speech at the Pentagon last week was an announcement of his
reelection strategy rather than a national defense strategy. The
strategy guts our forces and increases risk while maintaining popular
entitlement programs at taxpayer expense. Obama is acting more like a
corporate CFO rather than the commander-in-chief, his primary duty as
the President.
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