I have no respect
for the current election paradigm – "Chose a Player Then Destroy
All Others" – and the news that Herman Cain will now put his support
behind Newt...added to Sarah Palin's defection...have almost destroyed
any remaining hope that I had for the restoration of America.
They, along
with so many others, have forgotten the original intent of the Founding
Fathers, who created a government that would only be as honorable
as the elected officials that We the People choose.
we witness the decay that is engulfing America. The main root of
the rot is in the three branches of government. The Supreme Court
refuses to acknowledge that its purpose is to judge constitutionality,
not to legislate and deform our culture with decisions that trump
common sense and morality. The Senate and the House spit on the
trust that the voters placed in them and instead kowtow to corrupt
leaders, members, and lobbyists, further destroying freedom in America.
The president refuses to understand that he is the Chief Policeman
who works for the People, rather than a legislator and a king.
Some would
hold We the People at fault. "Citizens need to be better read. Citizens
should listen more carefully to the news issues of the day." However,
citizens cannot be held totally responsible when their information
sources rush to corrupt information; to hide, ignore or lie about
the truth.
Voters are
left with few sources from which to gather honest information which
can help them make informed decisions as to which candidates are
honorable people. Even fair and balanced news agencies hide news,
distort issues, and slant dialogue toward favored candidates. I
have nicknamed one major news person, The Election Fixer.
So voters turn
to friends, neighbors, and other persons they believe to be trustworthy.
Many people, me included, have viewed Sarah Palin and Herman Cain
as almost-neighbors; as trustworthy people who share our distrust
and dislike of the government in charge. That is, until they chose
to default on that trust by supporting a candidate long known for
dishonorable behavior and decisions. Palin and Cain chose to join
the election fixers to misdirect the thought processes and the morals
of the citizens.
Palin and Cain
see Newt as the best candidate yet everyone I meet looks at Newt
and sees a philanderer rather than an honorable person. We look
at Newt's wife and see a second mistress...not even a first one...instead
of a potential First Lady. Obviously, Palin and Cain have taken
their fingers off the pulse of America.
I have met
no one who honestly likes, trusts, and respects Newt. The less decisive
people just hem and haw, mumbling about him being...bright. Ah...and
articulate. Um...and he debates well...even as they forget that
those are the same irrelevant measuring sticks that were used to
measure Obama's presidential skills. Yet, Palin and Cain will succeed
in causing many citizens to believe that those two must have some
magical information upon which they based their decision. Again,
Americans are being encouraged to distrust and dismiss their best
intuition, common sense, and morals. Sensible voices cannot even
be heard when Palin and Cain take the stage and tell their followers
how to think. Unfortunately, too many voters will give Palin and
Cain too much credence; will sit back and refuse to think for themselves.
If a self-assured
but dishonorable man swaggers his way to face Obama in November,
each vote for Newt could very well mean a vote for Obama, and that
is exceedingly frightening. I, for one, refuse to vote for the Lesser
of Two Evils and everyone with whom I speak all feel the same. We
will stay home rather than vote.
America needs
honorable spokespersons who support honorable candidates. Newt is
not only a poor choice, his candidacy is forcing other, more desirable
candidates to quit the race. We are so fortunate that an honorable
man like Ron Paul is willing to stay in the race, and we are so
fortunate that his supporters provide financial backing. Speaking
of Ron Paul ...consider the how his potential for winning the ticket
would improve if 1.) people at all levels would stop repeating the
erroneous "He would be great as president but he has no chance of
winning," and 2.) if spokespersons with a following would publicly
put their support behind an honorable man.
I keep picturing
an algebraic formula with "RP" representing voters who already support
Ron Paul; with "Y" representing voters who would listen to their
better judgement if they were not led astray by the Media and by
the influence of others; with "P" and "C," respectively, representing
votes for Ron Paul that Palin and Cain could encourage: RP +Y +P
+C = An Honorable Victory for America
It is heartbreaking
to realize that winning has become more important than honor.
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