John Boehner realizes, if many Republicans don't, that retaining the House is no sure thing.
are by nature optimists. They are intensely focused on retaking the
White House and the Senate. But what if, in that optimism, they are
missing a growing threat?
That threat is to the House of Representatives. Republicans claimed a
sweeping victory there in 2010, a win that stopped President Obama's
marauding legislative agenda. Yet that has led to a certain Republican
nonchalance about the House in 2012.
What the optimists are missing is that the House remains the linchpin
of all their future ambitions. A Republican presidency will mean little
with Speaker Nancy Pelosi redux. Mr. Obama may well win re-election.
What leverage will a Republican-run Senate have in the face of that, and
a Democratic House? Or consider the possibility that Republicans botch
both the Oval Office and the Senate.
True, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), under
Texas Rep. Pete Sessions, is aware of the challenge and is energetically
fund-raising and recruiting. True, the party is already coaching its
newer members about the rigors of re-election. And true, John Boehner
and Eric Cantor are going all out to collect money for their members.
The speaker alone raised some $46 million in 2011—nearly double his take
for the entire last election cycle.
What Messrs. Boehner and Cantor know is that they'll need all this, and more. The House is no sure thing.
For all the Republican wins in 2010, Mr. Boehner presides over a
modest 25-seat majority. Redistricting has not turned out to be the
giant boon some Republicans thought it might be, and the party is
playing to beat about 20 sitting Democrats and to win about a half-dozen
open seats. But here's the number that counts: An estimated 55
Republican seats are competitive—i.e., at risk—this year.
Associated Press
Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hands the gavel to John Boehner on Jan. 5, 2011.
That includes many of the 89 freshmen
who washed into the House in 2010. Those new members bring high
enthusiasm, but over the past 30 years parties have lost on average 10%
of their rookies in their first re-election effort. If Mr. Boehner bats
the average, he's nine down at the start.
Then there's the map. All the talk is of super PACs and the money
they will bring to the Republican cause. Yet those groups are looking to
spend their dollars efficiently. Most are targeting the 16 states where
the presidential race will be competitive, with a special focus on
those with key Senate races.
Reince Priebus, the new chairman of
the Republican National Committee, has done a remarkable job of
rebuilding an outfit left in tatters by his predecessor. Yet he began
with a mountain of debt, and what money he has raised will first go to a
tight presidential race, including his get-out-the-vote effort. The
eventual Republican nominee will not be spending a penny in states where
he has no chance of victory—say, Illinois or California or New York.
That leaves a whopping stretch of land with no broad conservative
ground game. By some estimates, House Republicans are playing for some
three dozen races in these "orphan states." How much might this matter?
Consider New York, which in 2010 was a case study in lost opportunity.
House Republicans lost three crucial House races by a total of just
12,000 votes.
Nor should Republicans be lulled by reports of conservative
enthusiasm. Democrats have their own enthusiasm, and it is
disproportionately centered on the House.
All those liberals who are angry with Barack Obama have rechanneled
their energy into putting the gavel back in the hands of their hero,
Nancy Pelosi. That's why the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
out-raised its Republican counterpart by $7 million last year. And Mr.
Obama will swell voter turnout. Republican seats that are safe in a
midterm are not in a presidential election.
Conservatives have made the mistake of overlooking the House
before—and recently. The 2010 election was long focused almost
exclusively on flashy Senate races. It wasn't until the summer that the
party realized the House potential and the money men scrambled to donate
to campaigns. Had those dollars been directed to the House earlier in
the year, for vital projects like voter registration, Mr. Boehner's
victory would have been more impressive and provided more room for error
The super PAC and voter focus on big Senate races has helped deny
money for the House this year too. Many House members who are in safe
districts—those who might be counted on to transfer cash to the NRCC
now—remain so nervous that the Club for Growth will whack them with a
primary challenge that they are sitting on their own dollars.
There are plenty of reasons to remain optimistic about a GOP House.
Then again, seats are not won on optimism alone. That takes planning. If
conservatives really do want to reverse the Obama agenda, they'll start
looking at the House as priority, not afterthought.
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