Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scribecast: John Yoo Talks Terrorism and the Future of National Security

Scribecast: John Yoo Talks Terrorism and the Future of National Security

Earlier this week at Heritage, a Bush-era deputy assistant attorney general shared the stage with a former president of the American Civil Liberties Union. It’s not exactly the type of combination you might expect talking about terrorism 10 years after 9/11. But for John Yoo and Nadine Strossen, it was an opportunity to discuss the future of national security.

Yoo is the co-editor of a new book with Dean Reuter that features essays from 22 contributors spanning the ideological spectrum. The compilation, “Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security,” offers a diversity of perspectives.
We spoke to Yoo about his latest work and what life is like after serving at the Department of Justice under President George W. Bush. He is currently a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
Listen to our interview with John Yoo on this week’s Scribecast
Contributors to the book include John D. Ashcroft, Bob Barr, Michael Chertoff, Alan Dershowitz, Viet D. Dinh, Richard Epstein, Victor Davis Hanson, Arthur Herman, Charles Kesler, Andrew C. McCarthy, Michael B. Mukasey, Theodore B. Olson, A. Raymond Randolph, Dean Reuter, Anthony D. Romero, Paul Rosenzweig, Laurence Silberman, Nadine Strossen, Marc Thiessen, Jonathan Turley, and John C. Yoo. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, the Ronald Reagan distinguished fellow in public policy and chairman of Heritage’s Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, is also one of the authors.
The podcast runs about nine minutes. It was produced by Hannah Sternberg. Listen to previous interviews on Scribecast or subscribe to future episodes.

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