Glenn Beck Show, Beck had an exchange, summarized here,
with presidential candidate Rick Santorum: “I think you’ve got to put
the Fed back in the business of just managing the money supply for the
purposes of holding inflation in check,” Santorum said. “If the Fed’s
only mission was dollar stabilization, then they wouldn‘t be doing what
they’re doing right now.”
Glenn pushed Santorum harder on this issue. “There are no checks and
balances [on the Fed]. How is this not a criminal organization? Because
what they’re doing to us…it’s the biggest heist in human history.”
“To go that one step forward and say ‘Well let’s abolish the Fed and
go back to a gold standard,’ I have some serious problems with that,”
Santorum said. Glenn cut in.
“You can’t afford the lifestyle we have on gold.”
“The problem is the idea with the gold standard was…gold would increase as economic growth increases,” Santorum continued.
“That’s not necessarily true anymore, I mean we don’t have a lot of
gold supplies in this country that we can increase as the economy
increases, and can become – in fact, are – dependent on a lot of not
particularly great areas of the world for gold mining.”
Yes, Senator Santorum you do have a serious problem. The conservative
movement greatly hopes that your comments represent casual and
unconsidered statements … and that future pronouncements will reveal an
intelligent open-mindedness on monetary policy (a separate question from
abolishing the Fed).
For starters: money supply? This is an anachronism. The premier
monetarist, Prof. Milton Friedman, disavowed managing the money supply
in a famous June 7, 2003 interview with the Financial Times: “The use of quantity of money as a target has not been a success.”
As columnist and a leading debunker of the quantity theory of money Nathan Lewis wrote in Why the Gold Standard Still Matters Today: ”The
amount of metal piled in a vault has little relationship to the value
(or quantity) of paper banknotes. In 1779 the Bank of England held
953,066 ounces of gold in reserve. In 1783 this had fallen to 339,261
ounces. One year later, in 1784, it had grown to 1,683,724 ounces. A
year after that, it was down to 703,692 ounces, but in 1786 it bounced
back up again to 1,535,538 ounces.
These gyrations had no effect on the value of the British pound, which was pegged to gold at 3.89375 pounds per ounce.”
“A gold standard does not place some artificial limit on the supply
of money, nor is the supply of money constrained to the output of gold
mines. The supply of base money grows or contracts as necessary to
maintain the currency’s value in line with the gold parity. Between 1775
and 1900, the U.S. base money supply increased by 163 times–in line
with an expanding economy and a population that went from 3.9 million in
1790 to 76.2 million in 1900. Over this 125-year period, the amount of
gold in the world increased by about 3.4 times due to mining.
“The only thing that mattered was the value. The dollar maintained
its link near $20.67 per ounce throughout the 19th century (with a lapse
during the Civil War).”
If sheer quantity mattered, which it does not, the pointlessness of
worrying becomes even more obvious if one looks at the inventory of
monetary gold by the governments of the world. The United States’
holdings, as of January 2011, of 286 million ounces, tower above those of most other countries. (China: 37 million ounces. Russia: 27 million ounces.)
As for making America “dependent on a lot of not very great areas of
the world for gold mining?” Charles Dickens’ satirized this very
sentiment by placing it in the mouth of a particularly dimwitted
legislator in Nicholas Nickleby:
“‘Besides which,’ continued Mr Gregsbury, ‘I should expect … a few
little arguments about the disastrous effects of a return to cash
payments and a metallic currency, with a touch now and then about the
exportation of bullion, and the Emperor of Russia, and bank notes, and
all that kind of thing, which it’s only necessary to talk fluently
about, because nobody understands it.”
Presumably Sen. Santorum, in referring to “not very great areas of
the world,” had in mind the modern version of the “Emperor of Russia,” a
favorite bogeyman of those opposed to gold convertibility then as now.
Who condemns gold puts himself on the opposite side of Ronald Reagan,
Jack Kemp, and a clear majority of the conservative leaders, especially
free market ones. Condemning the gold standard aligns one with leading
Obamunists such as Paul Krugman, July 6 New York Times blog
post, “The Armageddon Caucus“: “Gold bugs have taken over the GOP,”
Think Progress‘ Marie Diamond that “the …Tea Party groups are determined
to make returning to the gold standard a litmus test for GOP
presidential candidates….” The Roosevelt Institute’s Mike Konczal who
wrote on April 27, “Conservatives are … rallying around the gold
standard wing of their party.” Or Thomas Frank’s July 2011 story in Harper’s Magazine condemning gold as “yet another eccentricity of the right-wing fringe has moved into the mainstream of American life.”
As my sainted grandmother used to say, Senator… lie down with dogs,
get up with fleas. It is an oddity, one hopes not indicative of anything
more than a casual misstatement, to see someone of Sen. Santorum’s
stature — one who proudly styles himself a conservative — aligning, as
Nixon did, with economic ultra-liberals.
Presidential candidates — especially newly prominent ones — deserve
an opportunity to grow out of casually held old views. No less
respectable a source than the Bank of England, summarized by AOL’s
DailyFinance recently published a paper showing that the current
paper-based monetary system is dramatically inferior to the form of gold
standard enjoyed by the world under Bretton Woods —destroyed by
President Johnson and then repudiated by President Nixon. Economic
growth has been much slower, panics and crashes much more frequent,
under the current system than under even a dilute form of gold standard.
The conservative movement respectfully asks those who aspire to the
presidency at least to reserve judgment on the critical issue of
monetary policy. If unwilling to embrace gold with Dr. Paul or to join
with Speaker Gingrich in calling for a gold commission, at least emulate
Gov. Romney in maintaining an openness to “look at a whole range of
ideas on how to have greater stability in our currency and in our
monetary policies.”
On a recent episode of the
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