Friday, July 20, 2012

BBC Gives Jerusalem to the Arabs

The BBC, ever mindful of British obligations to their swelling Muslim population, decided on its BBC Sport website to name the capital of every country participating in the London Olympic games except one: Israel. Even more incredibly, the site listed Palestine as a country and named its capital as East Jerusalem. But for Israel, a capital wasn’t even listed.

Israel’s government, angered by the omission, responded with a letter by Mark Regev, the Prime Minister’s Spokesman, to Paul Danahar, the Middle East bureau chief of the BBC:

         Dear Paul,

I am dismayed by the BBC’s decision to discriminate against Israel on the BBC’s Olympic website. Every country (and non-country) participating in the London 2012 games has been given a page on your website with background information about the country, including mention of the capital city. Every country (and non-country), except Israel.

Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel, and accordingly we respectfully request the immediate rectification of the matter.

The BBC then amended the website by writing that Palestine, has an “intended seat of government - East Jerusalem. Ramallah serves as administrative capital.” Israel was still not given a capital; instead, the BBC said that it had a “seat of government - Jerusalem, though most foreign embassies are in Tel Aviv.”

For decades, Great Britain has bowed to the Arab countries surrounding Israel; as far back as the 1940’s the British wiretapped American Jews who supported an independent Jewish state, and when the war of 1948 started, the British supplied the Arabs with arms. Thus it is not surprising that the British, who are now threatened by a rapidly growing Muslim population, will do anything to placate their Arab brethren, even denying the eternal capital of the Jewish people.

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