Sunday, July 15, 2012

Merkel and Hollande – Best in the World

– by Staff Report

Merkel and Hollande
Insight: Merkel and Hollande - Building a "grand bargain" ... In the lush gardens of the Elysee Palace in Paris, the seeds of a new Europe may have taken root. It was there, hidden away from EU summits and photocalls, that French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel began to forge a closer relationship than many expected. On June 27, the two leaders met privately in Paris and, after weeks of public tension preceding Hollande's May 6 election, had a lengthy one-on- one discussion, French officials said. Hollande took Merkel for a 10 minute walk around the Elysee gardens, before settling at a wooden table on the terrace with interpreters for a half hour chat on the state of the euro zone. They then adjourned to the Salon des Portraits, with its opulent gold-painted walls and crystal chandelier, for a 90 minute dinner with close advisers. – UK Telegraph
Dominant Social Theme: The top men and women in the world are important, and you're not.
Free-Market Analysis: Reuters and the Associated Press are the two main newswires from which so many of the bought-and-paid-for media get their copy. It is hard to say which one is worse but marginally it is probably Reuters – as this article excerpted above proves once again.

In it, we are exposed to a primary dominant social theme of the elites – that the top leaders of the Western world are the best people of all and that what they decide to do is of paramount importance to everyone else.
The article is really fulsome and obsequious. It describes these two politicians not just in terms of their behavior but also gives us details of what they ate, wore and how they traveled. All these details are intended to make us envy these two individuals and make us feel more insignificant as well.
What is the point of the exercise? Twofold, probably. First of all, these top pols and others like them are controlled by a tiny group of elites that is increasingly running the world on a formal basis. It is to the advantage of these elites to build up their stand-ins because the more power and importance they assume, the better off the power elite is.
That's because the elites run the world through mercantilism. Democracy is an elaborate ploy behind which the real controllers hide, pulling the levers of government through their appointed stand-ins.
This is why when one peers closely at the various political platforms and implementations throughout the West, one finds little difference between the parties. The politicians who matter are severely vetted by the powers-that-be and if they stray from their appointed lines they can literally be killed and sometimes are.
The second reason to implement this promotional meme celebrating the lives of all-too-malleable and humdrum people is because in doing so one makes them seem more important than they really are, thus reinforcing the idea that the "best and brightest" are elected to public office.
The reality of the European Crisis is that it has allowed the mainstream media to cover the financial crisis for a number of years with blaring headlines. Every other weekend it seems the top men and women of the EU meet at "summits" to save the euro, etc.
The breathlessness of the news strikes exactly the same tone as the headlines surrounding World War II – and that evidently and obviously was a kind of directed history as well. Each "crisis" and faux solution hammers home the inevitable invaluableness of those who are meeting.
They are invaluable, of course, only until they are replaced. But no matter what, they are VIPs. Here's some more from the article:
According to several sources, Merkel sought Hollande's buy-in for bold steps towards greater political union. It is unclear what she offered in return ... However, the two did agree to a deal that had been floated five days earlier in Rome: direct bank aid from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) rescue fund in exchange for centralized supervision of European banks. But they kept the pact secret, senior EU officials briefed on the meeting said, because Merkel was facing a key domestic vote.
If news of the deal leaked, the German side feared, Merkel might struggle to get the two-thirds majority she needed in parliamentary votes two days later on the ESM and her "fiscal compact" on budget discipline. "She had to show German lawmakers and the public she was being tough," one senior EU official told Reuters.
In the early hours of Friday June 29, EU leaders at a summit in Brussels agreed to ease conditions for countries receiving aid from the ESM. At the time is was interpreted by many as a defeat for Merkel and big victory for what the media dubbed Europe's new "southern bloc" - France, Spain and Italy.
Lost in the post-summit spin was the fact that the core of the deal had been sealed between Merkel and Hollande in Paris before the summit, not forced down the German leader's throat in Brussels. Their relationship, and how they resolve points of disagreement, will be key to the future of Europe.
You see? The 300 million people of Europe are not important, only these two elected hacks. One (Merkel) is an East German "stool pigeon" (reportedly) who may or may not be being blackmailed for what was found in her STASI files. The other, Hollande, is a deeply committed socialist who if questioned could not provide a rationale for either his political or financial views.
One could say, then, that Europe was being "led" by a malleable turncoat and an economic illiterate. But nobody in the mainstream media will write that. It would be impolite. It also wouldn't suit the promotional propaganda of the power elite that seems to own all of the major media and tilts the coverage as it chooses.
If this article (excerpted above) is important, it is only for the over-the-top treatment of these two "leaders." In this sense it can be described as "best of breed." Unfortunately, as we've pointed out, the headlines and body copy of such articles over the past years have provided us with similar sentiments.
Go back and read the headlines regarding Hitler and the crises leading up to World War II. Almost exactly the same kind of language was used in the headlines. Every meeting was apocalyptic. And every agreement was a kind of divine epiphany.
One might think that such an approach in the era of what we call the Internet Reformation was outdated and even hackneyed. But those bright bulbs who work for the power elite obviously don't think so. As we've pointed out before, they have no idea of what to do about the exposure their one-world conspiracy has received on the Internet.
So they stick to what is tried and true – even though it probably doesn't work so well anymore. Even the so-called false flags that are utilized to try to direct history are being written about before the fact these days. It is widely expected, for instance, that something of that nature is going to happen during the London Olympics.
Whether it happens or not is almost immaterial. The point is that the mechanism is understood and thus the manipulations have been endlessly exposed.
All that is left for the elites running the show is to crank up the wars and economic depression that they have traditionally turned to during times of challenges. The additional element, of course, is legislative authoritarianism. The dictates of legislators – most of whom are also probably being blackmailed one way or another – are to be seen in aggregate as a repetitive ten commandments issued from on high.
For this reason, such abysmal non-entities as Merkel and Holland (and previously Nickolas Sarkozy) are built into Godhead. From a positive point of view, however, given the lessening confidence in every kind of dominant social theme from global warming to the war on terror, it is very likely that people aren't buying this nonsense the way they once did.
We can turn to Ludwig von Mises for a definitive perspective on this sort of approach. He and FA Hayek said it best with the term "human action." Each of us is responsible for our own destiny and must make our own way in the world.
The fine dining and sumptuous hotel suites of our leaders have little significant impact on lives and times. This should become more evident as the Internet Reformation continues to expand and change the world just as the preceding one (the initial Reformation) once did.
Conclusion: The Internet is a process not an episode.

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