US: 54.5 mpg and the law of unintended consequences
US: 54.5 mpg and the law of unintended consequences – by Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr.
Legislators and regulators need to observe a fundamental Golden Rule: Do not implement new laws if you have not considered or cannot control important unintended consequences.
A perfect example is the Obama Administration’s plan to increase new car mileage standards, from the currently legislated requirement of 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016 to 54.5 mpg by 2025, as an average across each automaker’s complete line of cars and light trucks.
Carmakers reluctantly agreed to the new requirements, to avoid even more onerous standards, or different standards in different states. But the deal does nothing to alter the harsh realities of such a requirement.
First, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) analyses indicate that the mileage standards will add $3,000 to $4,800 to the average price of
US: Hands off Chick-fil-A
US: Hands off Chick-fil-A – by Lawrence Reed
In coming weeks, I expect to eat often at Chick-fil-A and not just because I like the company and the food they serve. I’ll be there as my way of protesting the disgusting
The personal views of Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy on gay marriage sparked the recent controversy. It should be noted the company does not discriminate against anybody in its hiring or in whom it serves in its restaurants. Cathy expressed an opinion shared by millions of Americans and, until recently, even by President Obama. Agree or disagree with Cathy, you should be concerned when elected officials threaten to use government power against a company because of a political disagreement with the CEO. Consider the following remarks.
US: Aurora and the left’s hatred for America
US: Aurora and the left’s hatred for America – by Jeffrey Kuhner
Liberals are exploiting the Aurora massacre to advance a political agenda. The tragic mass murder of 12 people is being used as fodder against the right. Within hours of the killing spree, the media establishment was hoping to link the suspected shooter, James Holmes, with the Tea Party, conservatives and — ultimately — the presumptive
On ABC’s “Good Morning America,” investigative reporter Brian Rossurgently told host George Stephanopoulos that a “Jim Holmes” was a member of the Colorado Tea Party. In fact, it was a different person. It never occurred to Mr. Ross and Mr. Stephanopoulos that there could be numerous people with a common name like James Holmes. Even by ABC News‘ standards, that was pathetic.
US: John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist, Meets The Gold Standard
US: John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist, Meets The Gold Standard – by Ralph Benko
Neither political party is presenting a compelling solution. In the words of Frank Cannon, president of American Principles Project (which this writer professionally advises) and former Kemp presidential campaign aide, the GOP has reverted to its pre-Kemp status as a party of severe rectitude rather than a party of equitable prosperity. How little political sense does it make to turn to the voters to say, “Times are tough. Our solution is to… cut your benefits”?
Rove: For Romney, Even Means Ahead
Rove: For Romney, Even Means Ahead
After absorbing three months of negative ads from President Obama, the GOP challenger is raising his game in time for the nominating convention.
Wednesday's Gallup poll had President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney essentially tied, with Mr. Obama at 47% and Mr. Romney at 46%. That's good news for the challenger: Mr. Romney has absorbed a punishing three-month Obama television barrage that drained the incumbent's war chest. Historically, undecided voters tend to break late for the challenger.Mr. Romney and his campaign have also raised their game. After Mr. Obama declared on July 13 that "If you've got a business, you didn't build that," Mr. Romney went on offense, saying the following Tuesday in Pennsylvania that the notion entrepreneurs didn't build their businesses was "insulting." Wednesday in Ohio, Mr. Romney attacked Mr. Obama for not having met with his Jobs Council for six months. Thursday in Massachusetts, Mr. Romney belittled the White House's explanation that the president had failed to do so because he "has a lot on his plate." The following Tuesday in Nevada before the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Obama over cuts in defense and veterans care.
Each time, Mr. Romney's message was delivered in the morning and dominated the day's coverage. That change appears now to be standard procedure for Team Romney.
Last week Mr. Romney began laying out a crisper, shorter economic agenda. His "Plan for a Stronger Middle Class" is built around five priorities: promoting more domestic energy, cultivating skills for economic success, making trade work for America, cutting the deficit, and championing small business (including tax and regulatory reform and the repeal of ObamaCare). It also compares the candidates' records in office. Jobs, home values, and family income rose—while budget deficits and unemployment declined—in Massachusetts under Mr. Romney, whereas all these measures are in the wrong direction under Mr. Obama.
The case against reelection
The stewardship case is pretty straightforward: the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth — all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt.
A Golden State train wreck
State Sen. Joe Simitian’s district office near Stanford’s campus is nestled among shops sporting excruciatingly cute names (A Street Bike Named Desire,Mom’s the Word maternity wear) intended to make the progressive gentry comfortable with upscale consumption by presenting it as whimsical. This community surely has its share of advanced thinkers who think trains are wonderful because they are not cars (rampant individualism; people going wherever and whenever they want, unsupervised).
Lights Out in India
India’s massive blackout is just the beginning.
The British—slightly less than a thousand of them—used to govern India. Without air-conditioning.
O’Brien was not the only one who watched the London Olympic opening
ceremonies with amazement. “Hard to believe my ancestors were conquered
by theirs,” he tweeted. Every Indian watching must have been thinking
the very same.
Until their TVs went dark.
recent power outage in India interested me more than the Olympics. (I
had a very British reaction to the opening ceremonies: I found them
excruciatingly embarrassing.) The Indian blackout was surely the biggest
failure in history, affecting a staggering 640 million people. If you
have ever visited Delhi in the summer, you will have some idea what it
must have felt like.
Why Obama Would Love to Run Against Ryan
Jamelle Bouie
Beltway anticipation builds for Mitt Romney’s vice presidential
announcement, conservative pundits have re-upped their calls for a
“bold” and adventurous choice. This morning, the Wall Street Journal editorial page took the lead with a plea to add House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan to the ticket.
The Journal acknowledges the appeal of VP frontrunners Tim Pawlenty and Rob Portman—working-class roots and high-level experience, respectively—but says that Ryan is the only politician with the gravitas and vision to campaign on a presidential level. Here’s the op-ed:
The Journal acknowledges the appeal of VP frontrunners Tim Pawlenty and Rob Portman—working-class roots and high-level experience, respectively—but says that Ryan is the only politician with the gravitas and vision to campaign on a presidential level. Here’s the op-ed:
Flying With Milton Friedman Is a Trip Unto Itself
Illustration by Jasper Rietman
Whether I grabbed Milton Friedman’s “Capitalism and Freedom” because of recent tributes to the Nobel laureate -- he would have turned 100 on July 31 -- or because of the book’s compact size, I can’t say. But I’m glad I did.
Take Me Down to the Parasite City
Take Me Down to the Parasite City
The District is booming.
Have you seen the latest jobs report? Major buzzkill: creeping
unemployment , anemic growth, and the recovery's totally
But not here: The District is booming! "Washington may have the
healthiest economy of any major metropolitan area in the country,"
says New York Times D.C. bureau chief David Leonhardt in
Sunday's Gray Lady. "You can actually see the prosperity"!
Yes we can! Construction cranes dominate the downtown skyline, and your average homeless guy can barely grab a stretch of sidewalk before yet another boutique store pops up to bounce his bedroll.
True, if you venture outside the Death Star's orbit to visit the colonies for Thanksgiving or Christmas, you'll see a lot of boarded-up storefronts. You might even feel a twinge of shame when Matt Drudge feeds you headlines like "D.C. Leads List of Most Shopaholic Cities in America."
Yes we can! Construction cranes dominate the downtown skyline, and your average homeless guy can barely grab a stretch of sidewalk before yet another boutique store pops up to bounce his bedroll.
True, if you venture outside the Death Star's orbit to visit the colonies for Thanksgiving or Christmas, you'll see a lot of boarded-up storefronts. You might even feel a twinge of shame when Matt Drudge feeds you headlines like "D.C. Leads List of Most Shopaholic Cities in America."
Got a Pencil? You Didn’t Build That
Got a Pencil? You Didn’t Build That
Nobody, Leonard Read once explained, can make a pencil by himself.
Most people would never accuse
President Obama of memorizing Milton Friedman under the covers at
night. Yet the patron saint
of laissez-faire probably would not take as much
exception as many Republicans have to Obama’s comment
in Roanoke three weeks ago that “if you’ve got a business
– you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
Republicans have given Obama quite a rhetorical thrashing for
that gaffe, and the attacks show little sign of letting up. That’s
because his remarks are not only extremely convenient to the GOP;
they also reopen an ideological fault line that goes back
The Case for Paul Ryan for Vice President
The Case for Paul Ryan for Vice President
No matter whom Republican Romney taps as his VP nominee, Democrats will accuse this person of crimes against common decency and fairness.
The other day, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi nonchalantly
explained to a group in Florida that conservatives are in the "E.
coli club."
The next day, a pro-Barack Obama super PAC began running an ad blaming Mitt Romney and Bain Capital for the death of a steelworker's wife (who actually had insurance and passed away seven years after Romney ran Bain and five years after her husband was laid off from a money-losing steel plant).
The Obama campaign has, more than once, implied that Romney is a felon.
The next day, a pro-Barack Obama super PAC began running an ad blaming Mitt Romney and Bain Capital for the death of a steelworker's wife (who actually had insurance and passed away seven years after Romney ran Bain and five years after her husband was laid off from a money-losing steel plant).
The Obama campaign has, more than once, implied that Romney is a felon.
Elementary, Dear Obama
by Tibor Machan
Dr. Tibor Machan
Modern Madness: Saudi Arabia Building Women-Only Cities
– by Staff Report
Prince Turki Al Faisal
Dominant Social Theme: Ain't Saudi Arabia grand? Its Saud sheiks are building entire same-sex cities to advance women's liberation – Middle Eastern style!
Free-Market Analysis: We read this article with growing disbelief. What kind of sick society builds separate CITIES for women?
Well ... the Saudis do.
Cracking of the Euro-Elite ... The Triumph of Hope?
– by Staff Report
Limbaugh's 'The Great Destroyer' Most Comprehensive Takedown of Obamaism Yet Written
Limbaugh's 'The Great Destroyer' Most Comprehensive Takedown of Obamaism Yet Written
Ben Shapiro
I spent this last week vacationing with my wife in Paris. Between visits to historic sites like the Louvre and Versailles, my wife and I noticed something very odd: nobody seemed to be working. The sidewalk cafes were chock full of people sitting around in the middle of the day, watching the world pass them by. It seemed wonderfully relaxing.
Romney Ad Hits Obama for Declaring War On Catholics
Romney Ad Hits Obama for Declaring War On Catholics
Team Romney does a lot in thirty seconds….
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