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Friedman wrote in 1964, "A large contraction in output tends to be
followed on the average by a large business expansion; a mild
contraction, by a mild expansion."
In a recent working paper for the
National Bureau of Economic Research, Joseph Haubrich of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland and I examined U.S. business cycles from 1880
to the present. Our study not only confirms Friedman's plucking model
but also shows that deep recessions associated with financial crises
recover at a
faster pace than deep recessions without them.
We measured the depth of a contraction
by the percentage drop in quarterly real gross domestic product from
peak to trough. We measured the strength of the recovery in several
ways: first as the percentage change in quarterly GDP in the first four
quarters after the trough, then also looking further into the expansion.
So, for example, since the 1920 recession lasted six quarters, we
looked six quarters into the subsequent expansion.
We found that recessions that were tied
to financial crises and were 1% deeper than average have historically
led to growth that is 1.5% stronger than average. This pattern holds
even when we account for various measures of financial stress, such as
the quality spread between safe U.S. Treasury bonds and BAA corporate
bonds and bank loans.
By contrast, the Reinhart/Rogoff
analysis focuses on how long it takes the economy to return to its
precrisis output level. Since contractions related to financial crises
are generally deeper and longer than other recessions, they are followed
by recoveries that take longer than normal to see output return: Since
1887, the growth of real GDP over both the recession and the recovery
was 1.2% in recessions with financial crises and 2.2% in those without.
But that says little about how fast the
economy grows once the recovery starts. As we found, since the 1880s,
the average annual growth rate of real GDP during recoveries from
financial-crisis recessions was 8%, while the growth rate from
nonfinancial-crisis recessions was 6.9%.
Two cases underlying the averages were
the financial-crisis recession of 1907-08 (which led to the founding of
the Federal Reserve) and the infamous nonfinancial-crisis recession of
1937-38. In 1907-08, the recession drop in GDP was 12% and the recovery
was 13%—perfectly consistent with Friedman's plucking model. In 1937-38
the drop was 13% and the recovery 7%.
Thus the slow recovery that we are
experiencing from the recession that ended in July 2009 is an exception
to the historical pattern. This can largely be attributed to the
unprecedented housing bust, a proximate measure of which is the collapse
of residential investment, which still is far below its historic
pattern during recoveries. Another problem may be uncertainty over
changes in fiscal and regulatory policy, or over structural change in
the economy.
The legacy of the unprecedented housing
bust calls into question whether in the future, expansionary monetary
policy could make recoveries more consistent with the depth of
recessions. Expansionary monetary policy in the past three years seems
to have had only limited traction in stimulating the economy and
speeding housing recovery. To catalyze full recovery in housing, we may
need policies other than looser monetary policy.
Mr. Bordo is a professor of economics at Rutgers University and a fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution.
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