Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obama on Hurricane: 'We Leave Nobody Behind'

Today, during a non-campaign campaign stop at the Red Cross, President Obama told the nation something his administration obviously didn’t believe during the seven-hour attack on our consulate in Benghazi (and a nearby annex) on the night of September 11, 2012: That when an "American is in need… we leave nobody behind":


This is a tough time for a lot of people; millions of folks all across the Eastern Seaboard, but America's tougher. And we're tougher because we pull together, we leave nobody behind, we make sure we respond as a nation and remind ourselves that whenever an American is in need, all of stand together to make sure we're providing the help that's necessary. 
You can watch the moment in the video embedded below.
That's a beautiful sentiment, Mr. President, but where was it when the cameras weren't rolling; when your government heard three plaintive pleas for assistance from Americans under attack and with help reportedly close enough to make a difference?
Hurricane Sandy has been a study in Barack Obama's leadership in a time of crisis, and not one that reflects well on the President. When reelection politics demand Obama remove himself from the campaign trail and head back to the White House to "monitor the storm," he did exactly that.
But when those same politics demand Obama downplay the murder of four Americans in Libya by blaming a terrorist attack on a YouTube video and then jetting off to Vegas for a fundraiser the same day he learned of the murders, he did exactly that, as well.  
Hat tip to Hugh Hewitt.

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