As the CorruptMedia hyperventilates over the juicery released by Quinnipiac today showing Obama winning all of America's 12,458 electoral votes and Queen for a Day, the one poll they've intentionally ignored is a bombshell from Gallup showing Romney winning early votes by seven points and Obama's early vote advantage collapsing 22-points over 2008.
The cover up of this poll was so
thorough that when the corrupt Politico did report on Gallup's
seven-point early vote advantage for Romney, they did so under a
headline that laughably read: "Neither has edge in early voting."
That's not bias on Politico's part; it’s out-and-out lying. Well, now
we have a second poll the media can ignore that further confirms
Gallup's findings and also shows Romney up seven points with early
voters -- this time from Pew:
The Pew Research Center survey
found that the race is even among all likely voters nationwide (47%
Obama, 47% Romney). Unlike the last campaign, the race also is close
among voters who say they have already voted.
In the poll, conducted Oct.
24-28, 19% of likely voters say they have already voted; that is
unchanged from the same week in the 2008 campaign (Oct. 23-26, 2008).
Currently, Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to
43%); because of the small sample, this lead is not statistically
significant. At this point four years ago, Obama led John McCain by 19
points (53% to 34%) among early voters.
That last sentence is especially
important. Not only because it backs up Gallup's early vote findings
comparing this election with 2008, but comparisons using the same
pollsters are useful regardless of the sample size. You usually have the
same methodology at work which proves especially helpful in spotting
Moreover, because Breitbart News is
taking the time to look at actual early vote hard counts instead of
going the CorruptMedia route and simply reporting what someone wants us to report,
we've found that the actual counts within a number of swing states do
not contradict Gallup and Pew's early vote polls. This includes North Carolina, Colorado, Florida and Wisconsin.
So go ahead and ignore this latest
inconvenient poll, CorruptMedia. We wouldn’t want you to lose favor with
David Axelrod, or anything. Besides, you’re not the only game in town
anymore. We're happy to pick of the real-reporting slack, while you pick
up Obama's dry cleaning.
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