20+ things that went right on Election Day
Michelle Malkin
1. Republicans retained control of the U.S. House of Representatives.
2. Voters in Alabama, Montana, and Wyoming all passed measures
limiting Obamacare.
3. Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, one of the conservative movement’s brightest
rising stars, overcame establishment GOP opposition to clinch a U.S. Senate
victory in Texas.
4. Corruptocrat Beltway barnacle Rep. Pete Stark was finally kicked out of office in California.
5. Despite entrenched teachers’ union opposition, a charter school initiative in Washington state triumphed.
6. Despite entrenched Big Labor support, a radical collective bargaining power grab in Michigan
7. Oklahoma voters said no
to government race-based preferences in college admissions, public contracting,
and government hiring.
8. Montana voters said no
to boundless benefits for illegal aliens.
9. Washington state approved taxpayer-empowering limitations on its state legislature’s
ability to raise taxes.
10. For the first time since Reconstruction, the GOP won control of the Arkansas state house.
12. Louisiana voted to protect
gun rights.
13. Kentucky voted to protect
hunting and fishing rights.
14. Parental notification for minors’ abortion prevailed in Montana.
15. North Carolina Republicans claimed the governor’s
office, congressional gains, and control of the state’s general assembly.
16. Paul Ryan will return to Congress after winning re-election
and continue to carry the torch for entitlement reform and budget discipline.
17. Conservatives won big victories in the Kansas state legislature.
18. Republicans won historic supermajorities in Tennessee.
19.Across the country, Republicans reached a post-2000 record number of gubernatorial victories.
20. Conservatives who were devastated by the national election
results demonstrated how to lose with dignity and grace. There will be
finger-pointing and recriminations and soul-searching, but committed activists can’t and won’t lose heart. We’ll regroup, recover,
and keep fighting for our country.
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