
Tracing the walking history of this mystery box of write in ballots Florida Election Board auditors found somewhere in or around Gertrude Walker’s St. Lucie County headquarters is proving to be quite daunting. And the Allen West-Patrick Murphy recount continued early this morning after being suspended late last night. These write in ballots of 306 early votes somehow missed being counted because machines “kicked them out.” With Election Supervisor Walker now hospitalized, we may never know what happened. Her administrative assistant Annie H. Clark told me, “They didn’t find no ballots,” but canvassing board member Tod Mowry said the auditors’ find “was noted.” Kathryn Nelson, canvassing board member who voted against the new recount,” told me, “Those ballots just were not included in the official count.”
But a retired school administrator who with his wife is driving 140 miles round trip from Wellington clearly is disgusted with everything going on. “I think it’s a mess; why is it a mess? Why can’t we get it right. . .we’ve been voting for hundreds of years. . .there’s got to be a better process than this,” he said. A Scottish born man said, “I’m here to make sure Allen West gets a fair shake.” West supporters were out in force all day Saturday.
Murphy attorney Liz Howard went up to a St. Lucie County attorney before counting began and showed her Murphy’s plea for injunctive relief seeking to halt the proceedings. I intervened and said, “Wait a minute; those papers are neither signed by a judge nor served. . .the count must go forward! Later in the day a new judge threw out the Murphy request saying it was lacking both procedurally and substantively.
The Walker sudden hospitalization curiously coincides with today’s noon deadline for election results certification. What happens next? Murphy’s attorneys say their next move will be to enter Leon County courts to seek remedy if he loses the recount. And Allen West is fighting another valiant battle to win fair and square! He took off his own body armor to give it to one of his men in the heat of battle. Beloved by his dedicated supporters who have marched for him all week, Congressman West is withstanding a towering onslaught of attacks from liberal left black politicians who traditionally vote color.
The brave American warrior just happens to be a Republican conservative that they cannot and never will control! He is his own man.
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