Thursday, November 1, 2012

Obama Hiding Arms Shipments To Syrian Jihadists


We all remember Obama’s Fast and Furious debacle where he was running guns to Mexican drug cartels and then invoked executive privilege to keep all the documents out of the public’s hands.
What if Obama was at it again, except this time instead of arming Mexican drug cartels, he was arming Syrian rebels?

(Or, more correctly, Islamic jihadists?)
That is exactly what he was doing.
The night Ambassador Stevens was murdered, Stevens was negotiating with the Turkish consul general for a shipment of thousands of Libyan shoulder-fired missiles to Syria, Turkey being the middle man for the nefarious enterprise.
Now we know why Obama literally watched Americans get slaughtered in real time. Now we know why the former SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty at the CIA annex a mile away from the Libyan consulate were ordered to “stand down” and not provide help—an order they eventually ignored to save the lives of twenty people—an order that cost them their lives.
Now we know why Obama and Hillary Clinton concocted a ridiculous story of a protest turned violent due to some obscure anti-Muslim video.
The truth is coming out and is slowly closing around one Barack Hussein Obama.

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