Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rand Paul Threatens Filibuster of Defense Bill To Release Potential Terrorists

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is widely considered a potential candidate for president in 2016. That speculation was fueled last week by Paul’s statement on national television that he wouldn’t rule out running in 2016. But in order for Paul to win, he’ll have to disassociate from the positions of his father, a multiple-time failed presidential candidate.


If he hopes to do that, he’ll have to do better than he’s doing now with regard to the latest Defense authorization bill. He’s threatening to filibuster Defense funding unless he gets a vote on an amendment that would curtail indefinite detention of potential terrorists. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wants to allow an open amendment process to the Defense authorization bill.

Reid could have allowed a Defense authorization bill to pass before the November elections, but he was afraid that Republicans would use it as an opportunity to discuss the pending cuts to Defense mandated by the Democrat-pushed sequestration.

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