Monday, November 19, 2012

Rupert Murdoch Tweets Support for Israel

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is going to take criticism from the mainstream media, which hates him and is no friend of Israel, for tweets he made regarding the Israel-Gaza war. Murdoch, a staunch supporter of Israel, first tweeted:
Why Is Jewish owned press so consistently anti- Israel in every crisis?

Normally, when someone refers to the Jewish-owned media, it is accompanied by anti-Semitic hatred. Murdoch is no anti-Semite; as a strong supporter of Israel, he’s one of the very few supporters in the media of the Jewish state. And in fact, there is some truth in his statement; Sam Zell, who owns the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, is Jewish. The Times is the same newspaper that has suppressed the infamous Barack Obama-Rashid Khalidi tape for years, and has routinely carved Israel into pieces while championing any pro-Palestinian memes.  Murdoch is taking issue with all the Jews who value liberalism over their heritage and thus help promulgate the “Israelis as villains” meme.
Murdoch then tweeted:
Middle East ready to boil over any day. Israel position precarious. Meanwhile watch CNN and AP bias to point of embarrassment.
Absolutely true; as reported here, CNN even aired false video of staged Palestinian casualty.

Murdoch’s last tweet:          

Can't Obama stop his friends in Egypt shelling Israel?

Is there any rational person who can’t see how Obama helped bring his pals in the Muslim Brotherhood to power? Murdoch’s question is absolutely on the mark.

No doubt the left will try to crucify Murdoch for his Jewish-owned press comment. The chutzpah of such a move would be astonishing; Murdoch is Israel’s ally, and the mainstream media is consistently savaging Israel whenever they get the chance.

If the mainstream media, which acts as shills for the same Democratic Party that showed its hatred for Israel at the 2012 DNC, wants to accuse someone of hatred for Jews, they can start by looking in the mirror.

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