If we want millionaires to pay more taxes, then we need an economy where
there are more millionaires.
President Obama on Wednesday announced that any
budget deal must include $1.6 trillion from higher taxes. "When it comes
to the top 2%," he said, "what I'm not going to do is to extend further
a tax cut for folks who don't need it." He argued that we are never
going to get anywhere near balancing the budget without more revenue
from people earning above $250,000 a year.
He's probably right about that, though not in the way he intends. The
country needs an economy that will create more of the "millionaires and
billionaires" that Mr. Obama loves to excoriate, not more taxes from
those who already exist. Total taxes paid by millionaires fell by almost
$100 billion between 2007 and 2010, the last year with statistics
available from the Internal Revenue Service. The drop resulted not from
too-low tax rates, but from the severe recession and an anemic recovery
since 2009 that thinned the ranks of the wealthy.
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Editorial board member Steve Moore on the GOP's stand-off with President Obama over raising taxes. Photo credit: Getty Images.
If Mr. Obama wants the Warren Buffetts and
Justin Biebers to shoulder more of the nation's tax burden, he would do
well to pay attention to the history of tax rates. Over the past
century, lower rates have shifted the tax burden onto high-income
earners and away from the middle class while maintaining the tax code's
Let's start with the 1920s. All tax rates were cut during the Calvin
Coolidge administration, including the top rate, which fell to 25% from
the World War I high of 73%. Between 1923 and 1928, benefited by lower
tax rates, the economy surged, raising incomes and living standards for
the middle class. Tax collections in real terms nearly doubled—and the
share of taxes paid by those who made more than $100,000 a year (more
than $1 million today) increased to 51% from 28%.
The top tax rate rose to 63% in 1932,
to 79% in 1936, and to 90% during World War II. The higher rates
persisted after the war, and while the economy grew as the government's
economic role ebbed, high rates generally helped to hold back the pace
of growth.
Tax rates weren't reduced much until
the Kennedy administration. JFK cut rates by about 30% for every income
group. He argued that the lower tax rates would "boost the economy,
produce revenues, and achieve a future budget surplus." He even called
lower rates "an investment in the future."
The Kennedy tax cut was enacted in 1964 (after JFK's assassination),
lowering the highest tax rate to 70% from 91%. His prediction that the
economy would surge was validated by rapid growth every year from 1965
through 1968. Tax collections grew by 8.6% per year and unemployment
fell to 3.4%. "The unusual budget spectacle of sharply rising revenues
following the biggest tax cut in history," announced a 1966 U.S. News
and World Report article, "is beginning to astonish even those who
pushed hardest for tax cuts in the first place."
Americans earning over $50,000 per year
(the equivalent of about $250,000 today) increased their tax payments
by nearly 40% after the rate cut, according to a report from the Joint
Economic Committee of Congress. Their share of overall taxes paid rose
to almost 15% in 1966 from 12% in 1963. Americans with an income of more
than $1 million nearly doubled their tax payments to $603 million in
1965 from $311 million in 1962.
President Reagan cut all tax rates across the board in his first
term, with the highest rate reduced to 50% from 70%. That was followed a
few years later with the 1986 Tax Reform Act, which closed loopholes
and lowered the top tax rate to 28%.
The economy soared in the 1980s and the unemployment rate plunged
after the mini-depression of 1978-82. Tax rates fell but federal
revenues rose to $1.032 trillion in 1990 from $517 billion in 1980.
Taxes paid by the wealthiest Americans facing the highest marginal
tax rates increased every year during the 1980s expansion. Meanwhile,
the share of total income taxes paid by the top 1% rose to 25% in 1990
from 18% in 1981. The wealthiest 5% of Americans saw their tax share
rise to 44% from 35%. The surge in revenues was the result of prosperity
that was largely spurred by tax-rate cuts. The increase in government
deficits during that period, on the other hand, was due to higher
federal spending.
In 2003, President George W. Bush signed legislation that cut the top
income tax rate to 35% from 39.6% and cut taxes on capital gains, too.
Federal tax revenues surged by a record $780 billion from 2003-07, when
the housing bubble collapsed. And once again, the rich paid more tax,
not less. The share of taxes paid by the top 1% rose to 41% in 2007 from
35% in 2003. Tax payments by millionaires doubled from 2003 to 2007
because there were more millionaires and their before-tax incomes rose
It is also true that when Bill Clinton raised tax rates in the 1990s,
the economy boomed and the share of taxes paid by the rich increased.
But the otherwise depressive effect of higher tax rates was counteracted
by the lighter burden of government on the private sector—federal
spending declined to 18% of GDP in 2000 from 22% in 1993.
A cut in spending is the economic equivalent of a cut in taxes now,
or later. This point is effectively conceded by Mr. Obama demanding that
his spending and borrowing binge of the past four years must be paid
for by a giant increase in taxes over the next decade.
Some liberals acknowledge these fiscal facts of life but argue that
tax revenues from the wealthy increased simply because the rich got
richer. And so they did. But the economic growth that was touched off by
lower tax rates, particularly in the 1960s and 1980s, also benefited
middle-class incomes and living standards. If Mr. Obama has his way and
raises tax rates on upper-income groups, it will slow the economy, and
everyone will lose.
Mr. Moore is a member of the Journal's editorial
board and the author of "Who's the Fairest of Them All?: The Truth About
Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America" (Encounter, 2012).
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