Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Meme of Republican Moderation

– by Staff Report

Here's what's supposed to be happening: After losing two presidential elections, Republicans are supposed to be re-evaluating what their party stands for. Are they out of line with mainstream America? Does the party need to change? The answer is yes. So the party moves to the center and searches for candidates with broader appeal. Republicans don't need another spectacle like the 2012 primaries, where the contenders ran the gamut from a panderer to the right (Mitt Romney) to the far right (former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum) to the extreme right (Representative Michele Bachmann, Texas Governor Rick Perry) to the lunatic fringe (Herman Cain, Representative Ron Paul). – Reuters

Dominant Social Theme: The Republicans need a bigger tent.
Free-Market Analysis: This is a weary theme but one worth returning to, thanks to an editorial posted recently at (Reuters, truly the gift that keeps on giving.)
Reuters is actually a meme machine, as it is a predominant wire service that sends its articles out around the world. This is analogous to what has taken place with Facebook. The idea, these days, is that Facebook handles commentary on the web for the mainstream media.
People assume this is simply innocent but likely it is not. They assume Facebook is getting business because it is a large and superior company. Not so. This is more directed history.
Facebook is almost certainly in some sense a US Intel operation and has the technology to scan and remember feedbacks that are delivered to various mainstream media. The powers-that-be are thus doing with Facebook what they have done with Reuters and AP, build massive facilities that reinforce their promotional and security needs.
We call this directed history because it seems plausible on the surface but actually the end-result is just a manipulated one. We discussed this recently in regard to the Obama re-election and the purported killing of Osama bin Laden.
The idea, we pointed out, was to create a credible case for Obama's reelection. The chances of Osama bin Laden being killed recently are fairly remote. He had Marfan Syndrome and his kidneys were failing a decade ago. He probably died years ago.
There is no body, no DNA, no photos, no video and believable eyewitness reports tell a tale of a botched operation that never actually transported bin Laden out of the house where he was supposedly staying.
But this is directed history. The bought-and-paid-for mainstream press faithfully disseminates the narrative. Once the death of bin Laden has been established, the fakery of the mainstream election begins.
Already, there are plenty of reports of election fraud around the US, most of it apparently aimed at supporting Obama, the candidate of choice, as we have pointed out numerous times.
Thus, we can say with some surety that there is considerable doubt as to whether Obama even won the election. And we are just as unsure whether 50 million adults voted in this past presidential election. That seems pretty high for a country in the throes of the Next Depression, with various protest movements and secession efforts underway.
In any event, this editorial over at Reuters provides us with yet another element of directed history. Having engineered dishonestly the re-election of Obama, the narrative is now updated with the predictable flagellation and phony analysis about the need for a more inclusive Republican party. Here's some more from the editorial:
A lot of Republicans regard George W. Bush as a failed centrist. Conservatives call Bush a "big government Republican" because he allowed increases in spending and deficits (for two wars, a new entitlement program and a government bailout). After Bush and Senator John McCain and Romney, conservatives are saying, "Enough moderation."
They believe voters are hungering for the real thing. Conservatives have taken refuge in the South, where Republicans enjoy total domination. In Bibb County, Alabama, a dead Republican defeated a living Democrat for county commissioner.
The big shock to Republicans was not just that Romney lost. It was also that they failed to make gains in the Senate, which they had counted on taking over. The party threw away likely Senate victories in Missouri and Indiana this year by nominating extreme candidates. Just like they did in 2010 in Nevada, Delaware and Colorado.
The fact is, the Republican message could not be any clearer. Voters know what the party stands for. That's the problem.
Republicans first step is to learn two basic things. One is not to stigmatize people like immigrants and gays and single mothers. The other is not to threaten to shred the safety net.
That's not centrism. That's common sensism.
But it's not common sense. We've pointed out in the past that libertarian conservative Ron Paul nearly won the Republican nomination and might well have beaten Obama in a fair election. Paul was deprived of the nomination because of "dirty tricks" and outright violent intimidation of his supporters, from what we can tell.
The process was complicated by Paul's own reticence, to be sure, but the larger issue is the resonance of the libertarian message. People want freedom. They don't want to pay lots of taxes and have their lives ensnared by regulations, police and ultimately jail.
If uncontrolled, these elections would yield up much different candidates and results. These are managed political productions supported by controlled nominees. We are grateful to what we call the Internet Reformation for making this sort of directed history ever more clear.
One narrative follows on another, made feasible by a complicit mainstream media. This Reuters editorial is a good example of "advancing the meme." It's part of a threnody of directed history.
Conclusion: We hope it crashes down and ends at some point. We're trying to do our part ...

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