By Hyatt Seligman
Our newly re-elected, incompetent President is good at one
thing: Chicago style politics. Kill your opponent by character assassination
and promise freebies to your base. That's exactly how he beat Mitt Romney, a
good and decent man, a man of substance, who would have been a great president
to turn our economic mess around.
Instead the community organizing, empty-suit incumbent won
by pandering to the Democratic base and defaming and distorting Romney into an
evil caricature. His simple plan of dividing and conquering through fear, envy
and class warfare trumped all else, barely. Appeals to race, gender and emotion
triumphed over economic reason and self-interest and the good of the country.
What is that Democratic base? It's quite simple, a cobbled,
bare majority of "victims" comprised of blacks, browns and women. It
didn't matter to them that their unemployment was at record highs and their
communities and lives devastated the last four years. It didn't matter that the
President deliberately killed the oil, gas and coal industries and hundreds of
thousands of jobs, or supported the teachers' unions over the right of their
children to get vouchers to go to quality schools of their choice, or supported
the auto unions over the mom and pop shareholders who owned stock, or that he
crushed the middle class. It didn't matter to young people that they are
personally bankrupt before they start out in life, already burdened by over
$200,000 in national debt per person in their generation. And Obama ain't done
Why? The external world is not real to them. What is real
are their feelings and emotions. And why not? The modern American message to
minorities and women is well learned by now. It's what our public schools have
taught for fifty years. The most important thing about you is the color of your
skin and what's between your legs. Don't believe it? Look at any high school
American History or Civics book. Ten pages on the slave-holding, Founding
Fathers and the American Revolution, thirty pages on FDR, the New Deal and Big
Government saving America from the evils of capitalism and endless pages devoted
to glorifying, heroic, victimized "Native Americans," and other
minorities and, of course, demonizing our, evil white, imperialist, ancestors
who exploited them and the earth itself. Such endless, sophomoric,
guilt-ridden, pabulum has consequences, to wit, the blindness of navel-grazing.
Yes, Obama is the master of the "basic instincts"
of his self-centered, narcissistic base. It's not complicated once you
understand the con. To blacks he was one of their own and that was really all
that mattered. They were in the bag from the start, 95% plus. To Hispanics, he
bought their vote with his illegal, dictatorial, but hugely popular, to them at
least, executive order for amnesty to young illegals. Result? 70% plus from a
community that is Catholic, church-going, hard working, anti-abortion and
generally conservative. To women he trotted out the classic Democrat ploy, the
fear of losing control over their bodies and even added a new wrinkle, the
"right" to free contraceptives even if you're a law student on the
cusp of making $150,000 a year to start. Result, a margin of some 9 points,
especially in the suburbs. Yes, pandering to the self-absorbed pays.
Toss in a little scapegoating and blame-gaming through envy
and class-warfare, just to make the base feel even more self-righteous, and you
have a country divided almost fifty-fifty, but more importantly, a winning
electoral strategy despite being the worst president since Jimmy Carter,
perhaps the worst in modern history.
Such is the vapidity of the American people today. Iran
going nuclear? Libya what? Muslim Brotherhood, is that a new rap group? Israel
who? Hey, Obama killed Osama! I saw it on Nat Geo! He's the guy I trust on
foreign policy. Amazing.
Four years of disastrous failure at home? No big deal. 47
million on food stamps, 23,000,000 unemployed, robbing Medicare to pay for
Obamacare, death panels, trillions of dollars wasted, gas doubled in four
years, energy and food prices rising like crazy, entitlement spending out of
control, no budget in four years -- not to worry. Just tax the rich and
fuggedaboudit. Problem solved. Damn Republicans. Don't they know it's all
Bush's fault? Plus they only care about whites, right?
Romney shares some blame, too, for losing, barely, an
easily winnable election. He coasted when he had a five point lead. He played
not to lose. He allowed himself to be defined early by attack ads. He let Obama
off the hook for Libya, his blind support of the Arab Spring and his obeisant,
appeasing foreign policy that helped set our embassies afire across the Muslim
world. Instead, Romney's third debate on foreign policy was like a group,
me-too, hug.
But Romney's biggest mistake was to try and turn this into
a technocrat, tunnel-vision campaign on the economy alone and not to focus on
where Obama was truly vulnerable, on character, trust and integrity, because of
the latter's many, many lies and distortions, especially after Benghazi. Two
weeks of "Why should you trust a President who won't tell you the truth
about Benghazi?" could have gone a long way towards putting the President
on the defensive and maintaining Romney's momentum. Instead, like Senator
McCain four years earlier, he let Obama off the hook without a swing. Why
should Americans care about character if Romney doesn't?
So now we have the spectacle of blacks, browns, young
people and many women screaming in ecstasy at the man who has bankrupted them
and generations to come by making empty promises paid for by trillions of
dollars we don't have. They won't know their betrayal until it's too late,
until the Piper has to be paid, when inflation is out of sight, our credit
rating is downgraded, when the entire coal industry is shut down and fracking
banned, when China stops buying our worthless debt, when the dollar standard is
discarded and we can't delay disaster by printing more worthless money or
buying our own treasury bonds with money borrowed from China, when we finally,
inevitably, fall off the cliff into a truly great depression and/or World War
III breaks out, only after anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying Iran has nuclear
weapons and Israel is possibly incinerated. What a great second term we have
These epochal issues were what was really at stake in this
Presidential election, but Mr. Romney, good man that he is, wouldn't go there.
On the contrary, he praised Obama's good intentions, refused to dramatize the
real danger, apparently out of fear of being labeled a warmonger, and lost the
true battles of character and ideas to the shameless, craftier, demagogue.
If only Romney had chosen Marco Rubio, the obvious, ethnic
choice for his Vice-President. Crass, yes. Racial politics, yes. But Rubio was
equally or more qualified than Paul Ryan, and sometimes you have to fight fire
with fire, to win Florida, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and more, and save your
country from itself.
If the Republicans get that, maybe they can win in 2016, if
we survive the next four years. It's going to be touch and go. We have an
unrepentant, unaccountable, scapegoating, leftist demagogue in the White House
with all the "flexibility" in the world and worse, the mastery of how
to pull the wool over the eyes of his base whenever and however he wants.
Honey, you ain't seen nothing yet, plus four Supreme Court nominees to rewrite
our "deeply flawed" Constitution of "negative rights only"
that Professor Obama despises.
You get the
government you deserve. Pray for America. We have let the dogs loose.
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