Will there be a Civil War in the GOP?
Austin Petersen
In an appearance on a popular talk radio program Wednesday, Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain
added fuel to the fire of “civil war” talk going on in the GOP.
Although it’s clear that if there is a war, he’s claiming to be on the
side of the rebels.
Cain states, “I never thought that I
would say this, and this is the first time publicly that I’ve said it:
We need a third party to save this country. Not Ron Paul
and the Ron Paulites. No. We need a legitimate third party to challenge
the current system that we have, because I don’t believe that the
Republican Party … has the ability to rebrand itself,”.
Cain’s remarks are interesting in light of comments made by former campaign manager for the John McCain presidential run in 2008 Steve Schmidt who said, “People
calling for revolution… you know? When I talk about a civil war in the
Republican Party, what I mean is, it’s time for Republican elected
leaders to stand up and to repudiate this nonsense [of the extreme right
wing], and to repudiate it directly,”.
Schmidt is evidently referring to statements by candidates such as Richard Mourdock in Indiana and Todd Akin
in Missouri. Both candidates made enormously unpopular statements
concerning rape and abortion that appeared to be critical reasons for
their failure to win seats to the US Senate. Social conservative
radicalism took an enormous blow following the reelection of President Barack Obama. Democrats
successfully baited candidates over the abortion issue and handed the
media headline after headline of horrifying quotes that made every
rational female in the electorate recoil in disgust after talk of
“legitimate rape”. Former talk radio host Neal Boortz
said that ”Religious conservatives are killing this country…they handed
Obama four more years.” And former Republican representative and MSNBC talk show host Joe Scarborough stated that, “in
many ways the country is becoming more libertarian. They’re saying stay
out of my bedroom… stay out of my wallet… There are fiscally
conservative gay men and women just waiting for an excuse to vote
Republican.” With the fact that nearly every GOP candidate that
made gaffes on the abortion issue failed to win their elections, it
seems as if Boortz and Scarborough may be correct.
Conservatives such as Cain right be
correct that a third party is needed, but they make a great error
dismissing the intellectual/skeptical wing of the Republican Party. Even
conservatives such as Sarah Palin, Senator Jim DeMint, and Senator Mike Lee
have publicly stated that the Republican Party needs to reach out to
young people, Ron Paul types and libertarians. One has to wonder if Cain
is actually interested in building any sort of winning third party
coalition with his continued belligerence. However, if the former
Godfathers Pizza CEO, who resigned as a result of personal scandals were
in charge of a third party, what would it look like? Would it be a
social conservative party? Likely so. Would it be a party of unlimited
intervention in foreign affairs and total commitment to military
spending without audit or second guess? Absolutely. So, why not just stick with the GOP?
Some in the GOP might disagree with Steve
Schmidt’s comments on repudiating “those calling for revolution” when
he is a member of a party that proudly touts the “Reagan Revolution”.
Also would he have hesitated to have claimed a title in a “Romney
Revolution” had there been one? No, it appears that Schmidt is rebuking
the terminology of the conservative/libertarian coalitions who are
demanding real reform and adherence to real fiscal conservatism. Those
people in the GOP who want a real revolution of ideas seem to be gaining
ground, demanding stronger adherence to limited government principles.
Even Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan
was held in contempt by some budget hawks wary of his willingness to
cave over issues like the auto bailout and his support of the highly
unpopular Keynesian TARP programs. This alone seems to validate the idea
that a purer, Austrian form of economics is becoming more fashionable
amongst the right. Even Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann who barely squeaked by in her reelection campaign paid deference to Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises stating that she brought his epic 1,128 page tome to the beach to read. Mises is the philosopher that President Ronald Reagan
credited as an intellectual inspiration among others and was the most
unyielding of the economists of the Austrian school alongside Friedrich Von Hayek, Milton Friedman and others.
Failures in Florida
Republicans suffered a huge loss when they missed the possibility of a Senator Connie Mack
from Florida. Mack, a staunch fiscal conservative was a representative
who consistently scored high on respectable rankings basing candidates
on their stances of limited government issues. Mack had credentials with
the libertarian community after receiving the endorsement of Ron Paul
and was a staunch advocate against privacy encroaching legislation such
as the PATRIOT Act which he voted against. Although Mack had broad
appeal amongst his base, he stumbled by not running an aggressive
campaign and facing a state of rapidly elderly citizens more wedded to a
candidate such as Bill Nelson who will keep their
redistribution of wealth flowing securely. Mack did not appear to be the
victim of an enthusiasm gap on the part of the grassroots supporters,
but instead one of non enthusiasm generated by the top of the ticket.
That’s an establishment failure, not a grassroots one.
Representative Allen West, another conservative favorite also faces likely defeat (although he’s filing for a recount)
in Florida. The war veteran and controversial congressman is currently
down 3,000 votes and accusing his Democrat opponents of dirty tricks.
The tea party favorite was not a favorite of libertarians however due to
his aggressive foreign policy, lack of regard for civil liberties and
willingness to raise the debt ceiling. The last part seemed to be the
cracking point for the new conservative/libertarian coalitions. As the
party has become more focused on libertarian ideas, compromises in the
economic sphere are a way to get immediately targeted for possible
challenges in the future. At the very least it can withdraw support or
condemn a candidate who does not conform to actual limited government
principles. Allen West’s demise may not be the last straw, but it would
be interesting to know how strong his ground game was in 2012 compared
to 2010. Conservatives and libertarians who door knocked in 2010 may
have not been as enthusiastic after West’s compromise over the debt
ceiling issue.
Echoes of the 1860′s
The American Civil War
was unique from others in that it was not a war, nor was it civil. It
was not a war technically in that it was declared legal under the 14th
Constitutional Amendment by naming it an act of “rebellion.” America
today may seem sharply divided amongst red state/blue state lines, but
amongst the members of the Republican party, the divides seem even
deeper than those.
The real question is, who are the real
rebels and who is the clear establishment? That line is hazier than it
has ever been. A Herman Cain may claim to be a rebel to the current
order, but his policies and ideas seem more in line with the average
republican than of a radical reformer. So the question remains: “Who are
the real reformers? Are they the burgeoning libertarian wing? If they
are, it must also be asked:
Can libertarians win?
In 2011 in a Fox News green room Senator Mike Lee stated, “When
my campaign was hurting, Congressman Ron Paul endorsed me. All of a
sudden all of these young people came out of the woodwork and showed up
to door knock for my campaign. They made a critical difference.” Senator
Lee seemed to be articulating the difference that was made when young
libertarian activists performed the crucial basic civic activism
functions of door to door campaigning that can make a big difference in
the final days before an election. Barack Obama’s ground game was
legendary in their persistance in this trait, likely because of his
legions of young followers.
But it seems that libertarian activists can not only swing elections, they can win them as well.
Added to the small cabal of legislators in the libertarian wing of congress are Representatives Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Kerry Bentivolio who shares the same state as Rep. Justin Amash
of Michigan, a favorite amongst the liberty movement. In both cases,
liberty republicans faced down establishment challengers and beat them
handily with the support of grassroots activism and the help of
political action committees designed at furthering libertarian causes.
If a liberty candidate were to take the nomination in 2016, would these
be some of the people who would help usher in a new era of liberty? Or
would they be defeated by the establishment again?
Republicans would do well to be wary of
continually marginalizing the young libertarian movement that is
increasingly coming to dominate activism on college campuses across the
US. Conservative youth organizations in comparison are stumbling to
catch up with the social media activism in spaces such as Facebook and
Twitter. Young libertarians are dominating their conservative
competitors online. Even the powerful conservative org the American Enterprise Institute has enormously less engagement on social media than a competing libertarian one such as The Cato Institute. A
quick search of these organizations facebook pages shows a large gap in
both the number of followers and the amount of people engaged with them
at any one time. Conservative organizations just are not competitive
online. If this is a civil war, the establishment is outmaneuvered and
outgunned online.
The 2012 election with its last minute
emphasis on social issues shows a distinct lack of outreach or
understanding of issues favored by the youth. As young people trend
libertarian it would be wise for those in the GOP to choose more social
moderates and hard line fiscal conservatives for public office if they
wish to avoid tea party style primary challenges. But candidates now may
even need to begin favoring positions pushed by the most successful
Libertarian Party candidate ever, Governor Gary Johnson. Namely, the legalization of marijuana.
While marijuana ballot issues passed in
states like Colorado and Washington legalizing marijuana, it seems more
than ever that the ideas of libertarians are ascendent. These are also
issues that young people can get on board with. And although it may not
be an election winning issue, it can’t hurt a candidate to express
sympathy for medical marijuana users suffering from debilitating
diseases so as not to appear callous. Women and youth were likely
affected deeply by a Governor Mitt Romney who told a dying patient in a wheelchair
that he would keep the drug illegal, despite the persons obvious
condition and the fact that some states do indeed make it legal for
suffering people. Even police officers from the famous DARE program have
announced they will no longer instruct students on the dangers of
marijuana specifically. If a civil war occurs in the GOP, it won’t be
over issues like this.
A Time of Chaos – A Time For Choosing
It’s unclear what factions in the GOP
will form in the coming chaos of the leaderless years between now and
2016. Conservatives generally talk a good game of rebellion and whisper
of third parties when they are angry, but as the when the time comes the
old saying about how Republicans “fall in line” may hold true. Already
attempts by big government Republicans to anoint Marco Rubio as the next
leader of the party are happening while conservatives and tea partiers
whisper about the possibilities of a Rand Paul run in 2016. These two
factions appear to be the most starkly contrasted in terms of mainstream
establishment republican types vs. the grassroots coalitions of
libertarians and conservatives. Could these two sitting Senators be the
the rods that the party polarizes around in four years?
Fox News conservative commentator Charles
Krauthammer once taunted libertarianism as inferior
to conservatism, claiming that libertarianism is “not a governing
philosophy”. In a sense he was correct. However he was ultimately wrong
in that libertarianism is not inherently a governing philosophy. It is a
self governing philosophy. If a civil war is to come in the GOP it will
be between three parties: those for whom their interpretation of their
religion gives them a mandate to rule, those whose views on foreign
policy give them a mandate to rule us and our neighbors, and those who
just want the government to leave us and everyone else alone.
It is now again a time for choosing.
So what do you think? Will there be a
civil war in the GOP? If so who will be the key players and major ideas
in play? Leave your thoughts below.
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