Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christie: 'Shame' on Boehner, Republicans on Sandy Relief

Today, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), focusing like a laser on his goal of apparently becoming the Democratic nominee in 2016, attacked House Republicans for failing to pass the pork-laden Hurricane Sandy $60 billion relief bill. After meeting with Boehner in private, Christie blasted away. “There is only one group to blame,” he ranted. “The House Majority and John Boehner. Last night, the House Majority failed the basic test of leadership and they did so with callous disregard to the people of my state. It was disappointing and disgusting to watch. Shame on you, shame on Congress.”


But the rotund demagogue wasn’t quite finished. “Our people were played last night as a pawn,” said Christie. “That’s why people hate Washington, D.C. Last night, my party was responsible.”
Christie singled out Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) for blame. “It was the Speaker’s decision – his alone,” he said. “I won’t get into my conversation with [Boehner], but I will tell you there is no reason to believe anything they tell me.” 
Ever since Hurricane Sandy, Christie has spent his time kissing the rear of the President and attacking members of his own party. Originally, that was a tactic designed to fend off challengers in his 2013 gubernatorial race. Now, however, Christie appears to have fallen in love with the media’s newfound adoration. Which, of course, makes him an establishment Republican darling come 2016.


Chris Christie: 'Shame On You' Boehner, 'Shame On Congress'

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