Sunday, August 19, 2007

United States of Mexico?

America is finished.

Mexico and Canada are gone too.

In their place: One massive country, the North American Union (NAU), bordered by the Bering Sea to the north and Guatemala to the south, the Atlantic to the east and the Pacific to the west.

NAU citizens no longer spend dollars or salute Old Glory. They spend "ameros," and the flag that waves over its capitals shows the entire Western Hemisphere.

The national borders of the United States have been forever erased. While that scenario may sound far-fetched, critics of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) warn that future could be here sooner than anyone realizes.

President Bush, Mexican President Vincente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin informally agreed to set up the SPP in 2005.

Not so well known is the fact that supporters of the NAU concept slipped an initiative into the recently defeated immigration reform act. Largely unnoticed amidst the amnesty furor that ultimately sunk the Immigration Bill was the statement, "It is the sense of Congress that the United States and Mexico should accelerate the implementation of the Partnership for Prosperity to help generate economic growth and improve the standard of living in Mexico."

The bill called for measures to boost the economy of Mexico, including:

# U.S. support for Mexico, to strengthen its education and training programs.
# A call for better health care for "poor and underserved" people in Mexico.
# And U.S. assistance to "establish a program with the private sector to cover the health care needs of Mexican nationals temporarily employed in the United States."
# The bill also called for U.S. assistance to Mexican businesses and government to eliminate corruption, which it termed, "the single biggest obstacle to development."

"This was the first attempt by the SPP to go public, and it failed," says Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of The Late Great USA. They thought nobody would notice. They were wrong."

Corsi called the sPP "a coup d-etat by bureaucratic means," adding that it works underhandedly like a shadow government.

"It is an attempt to turn North America into something like the European Economic Community," he says, "which began with economic cooperation and expanded eventually to include a common market, and then a full-scale regional government replacing, in many ways, the governing powers of the member nations."

Documents recently obtained by public interest group Judicial Watch reveal that "working groups" of the SPP are developing plans for U.S. taxpayer-funded initiatives to improve Mexico's infrastructure, within just six to 18 months.

SSP plans include:

# Creating a North American Pandemic Influenza Plan;
# Facilitating cross-border travel;
# Establishing Social Security totalization for Mexican aliens working in the United States;
# Creating a Trans-Texas Corridor superhighway with truck, car, and train lanes running from Mexico to Canada.

Following the 2005 tri-lateral summit, the three leaders agreed, "We will establish ministerial-led working groups that will consult with stakeholders in our respective countries. These working groups will respond to the priorities of our people and our businesses and will set specific, measurable, and achievable goals."

The working groups include committees on "Manufactured Goods and Sectoral and Regional Competitiveness, Movement of Goods, Energy, Environment, E-Commerce and Information Communications Technologies, Financial Services, Business Facilitation, Food and Agriculture, Transportation and Health," according to the SPP Web,

"Basically, the SPP eliminates borders," Dr. Corsi tells NewsMax. "Just as in Europe, once free-flowing cross-border travel and full economic cooperation are established, the next step will be multi-national regulations and multi-national court systems to resolve disputes, with powers that supercede those of U.S. courts in many cases."

Opponents of the NAU slipping its provisions into a bill sold as way to strengthen the integrity of the nation's borders reflects the determination of those pushing a North American union.

The SPP has struck back with a FAQ section on their U.S. website,, which attempts to counter "myths" of its ultimate aims, stressing that the SPP "does not change our courts or legislative processes and respects the sovereignty of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The SPP in no way, shape or form considers the creation of a European Union-like structure or a common currency."

As to charges that the SPP is being undertaken without the knowledge of the Congress, the FAQs state, "US agencies involved with SPP regularly update and consult with members of Congress on our efforts and plans." SPP confirms that the SPP is a "White House-driven initiative. In the United States, the Department of Commerce coordinates the ‘Prosperity' component, while the Department of Homeland Security coordinates the ‘Security' component. The Department of State ensures the two components are coordinated and are consistent with U.S. foreign policy."

"They deny it – of course they do, but the ultimate direction of all these actions is driven by a one-world view," Dr. Corsi says. Corsi contends that President Bush has a secret agenda to dissolve the United States of America into the North American Union.

"However, as more people in the United States are becoming aware of the goals of the SPP, grassroots opposition to the SPP is growing very fast."

One example: 12 states are currently considering resolutions opposing the establishment of the NAU.

There is a federal effort to block the SPP as well.

It is spearheaded by a resolution, HCR 40, which states, "The United States should not allow the Security and Prosperity Partnership to implement further regulations that would create a North American Union with Mexico and Canada; and the President should indicate strong opposition to these acts or any other proposals that threaten the sovereignty of the United States." The resolution also calls for the U.S. to not "engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement Superhighway System."

The resolution notes that "reports issued by the SPP indicate that it has implemented regulatory changes among the three countries that circumvent U.S. trade, transportation, homeland security and border security functions and that the SPP will continue to do so in the future."

The bill is sponsored by Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., who tells NewsMax, "I hope that more Americans will become aware of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, which will lead to a North American union and the destruction of the sovereignty of the United States."

Cong. Goode, who opposed the Immigration Bill saying it would be "a disaster to our nation if it were to become law," says his resolution has attracted over two dozen co-sponsors so far.

"Defeat of the Immigration Bill was a setback for the supporters of the SPP, but they won't just give up and go away," Corsi warns. "There is a huge amount of international capital driving this. They will not give up easily."

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