Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Venezuela Brief: Countdown to Tyranny IV

by the Menges Hemispheric Security Project

Violence levels in Venezuela worry Amnesty International

Due to the escalation of violence and protests against the Constitutional Referendum proposed by Chávez, Amnesty International has urged the Venezuelan government to take into account these incidents. Amnesty says the government needs to guarantee appropriate conduct by members of the security forces, who should keep their weapons in check without attacking the students who protest daily in the streets.

In the last few days, the police and the National Guard have breached the autonomy of universities in the cities of Caracas, Barinas, Mérida and Barquisimeto, and the confrontations have left two people dead and many injured. The atmosphere in Venezuela is extremely tense and many fear that the violence might get out of control.

Former Candidate Manuel Rosales and the Vice-President of the Venezuelan Episcopalian Conference, call people to vote against the Reform

In a campaign that has extended throughout the whole country to out-win nonparticipation in the Referendum, Manuel Rosales and Monsignor Lückert are trying to convince people to vote against the Referendum, since they believe the Constitutional Reforms deprive people of their freedom, impose a socialist model on society and give unlimited powers to the President.

They are doing this because Venezuelans are skeptical that their votes will not be respected since they believe the National Electoral Council is controlled by the government. In addition, they are suspicious about the voter's list for the national elections and, in general, distrust the whole electoral process which lacks transparency.

Niveles de violencia en Venezuela alarman a Amnistía Internacional

La violencia que ha escalado en las últimas semanas en Venezuela ante el Referéndum Constitucional planteado por Chávez para el 2 de diciembre, ha llevado a Amnistía Internacional a instar al gobierno a tomar en cuenta estos incidentes y garantizar que las fuerzas de seguridad actúen de forma adecuada, controlando el porte de armas y sin agredir a los estudiantes que protestan diariamente en las calles.

En los últimos días, la policía y la Guardia Nacional han violado la autonomía universitaria en ciudades como Caracas, Barinas, Mérida y Barquisimeto, y de los enfrentamientos han resultado dos muertos y varios heridos. Los días en Venezuela transcurren con gran tensión y temor de que se desborde la violencia.

Ex candidato Manuel Rosales y Vicepresidente de la Conferencia Episcopal venezolana, llaman a votar por el No a la reforma

En una campaña que se ha extendido en el país para vencer el abstencionismo en el Referéndum de diciembre, Manuel Rosales y Monseñor Lückert, llaman a votar por el No en el Referéndum por considerar que la Reforma Constitucional va en contra de las libertades del pueblo, impone un modelo socialista y otorga poderes ilimitados al Presidente.

Este llamado se hace ante la falta de confianza de los venezolanos de que su voto se respete, dadas las dudas que genera un Consejo Nacional Electoral en manos del gobierno, un padrón electoral poco claro y un mecanismo electoral que no garantiza la transparencia.

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