Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Will The Tea Parties Fight For Ron Paul?

Will The Tea Parties Fight For Ron Paul?

If incoming House Speaker John Boehner blocks Ron Paul from assuming the chairmanship of the House Subcommittee for Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, how with the tea party react?
by Walt Thiessen

With the Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives in January, many opponents of the Federal Reserve thought that Ron Paul as chairman of the House Subcommittee for Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology would be a slam dunk. After all, he has, by far, the most seniority of any Republican on the committee. Yet, already there are reports that incoming speaker John Boehner is trying to find a way to keep it from happening.

Business Week reported last week, "Five GOP leadership aides, speaking anonymously because a decision isn't final, say incoming House Speaker John Boehner has discussed ways to prevent Paul from becoming chairman or to keep him on a tight leash if he does." So the battle has commenced. The other side has declared their intention (in their usual, secretive way) to man the barricades against the good doctor. Now the question remains: will the anti-Fed members of the tea party movement, that is to say the original tea party movement which arose during Paul's presidential campaign, now come to his aid before it's too late? According to Business Week, they have until tomorrow to make their wishes known to Rep. Boehner. That's Wednesday of this week.

So far, Paul's supporters have been fairly quiet, and part of the reason is that the leading tea party groups don't dare weigh in on the matter. The reason is that they've been taken over by pro-Fed operatives. One of the largest of the tea party groups, Tea Party Express, for instance, not only hasn't said anything about the question; they have studiously avoided mentioning Ron Paul at all on their website since their group's inception. If there is any doubt in your mind about whether Tea Party Express is in bed with the banksters, this fact should erase those doubts.

Similarly, Tea Party Nation has had precious little to say on the subject. Their commentary is limited to a minor blog entry. The organization as a whole has taken no steps at all to insure that Paul gets the subcommittee chairmanship that he deserves...and that America needs him to have. I suspect that they hope the issue will just go away, because then they won't have to take a stand against the pro-Fed people who are funding them and risk alienating the anti-Fed tea partyers who got the whole tea party thing started three years ago.

Add in the fact that tea party heartthrob Sarah Palin hasn't actually called for ending the Fed or changing the monetary system, limiting her critique of the Fed to a slap on the wrist for monetizing debt, and it becomes very clear to this writer that the tea party's largest organizations have no intention of bringing down the Fed. To the contrary, they are staunch supporters of it. They just don't dare say anything, because they don't want to lose the support of their anti-Fed members.

Rep. Boehner's house office phone number in Washington, DC is (202) 225-6205 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (202) 225-6205 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. I suggest that those people who want to see Ron Paul get the chairmanship of that committee should call his office Wednesday and make their wishes clear in a civil, responsible manner.

And if you are anti-Fed, post your intentions in the comments section below, should the good doctor be denied the post that we need him to have. It's time for the Revolution to return!

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