Friday, December 2, 2011

Another view: Gingrich is the president America needs. By Robert S. Walker

  • In the midst of crisis, we need a knowledgeable president who appreciates America as exceptional, one who has spent most of a lifetime considering the issues the nation faces, mastering their complexity and offering positive conservative solutions for her problems. Newt Gingrich is that man.

    OUR VIEW: As Gingrich rises, so do questions of temperament

The Newt Gingrich Americans watch in Republican presidential debates combines substance and statesmanship. On issues, he offers answers and insight. He compliments opponents for their strengths. He challenges "gotcha" questions. In a field of talent, he clearly stands out.
There is not much about Newt Gingrich that is not known. His allies have benefited from his vision and courage. His liberal adversaries have spent decades attacking him, even creating myths to damage him.
Newt led Republicans to their first congressional majority in 40 years. His Contract With America led us to balanced budgets, debt reduction, welfare reform and 7.5 million jobs. By negotiating with a Democratic president, he attained conservative goals and unprecedented prosperity.

That leadership required focus and discipline. He created a policy framework and saw it through to completion. His critics called him undisciplined because he generated so many ideas, but the reality is he maintained an unrelenting commitment to conservative values and reform. Dozens of ethics charges were leveled against him; none proved credible. His four year speakership arguably was the most successful in decades.
Today, there is a new Gingrich contract. It envisions a 21st century where the American economy prospers, creating millions of jobs and building global markets; where security is based on strength, including securing our borders; and where we take pride in our accomplishments; respect each other; and win the respect of allies and adversaries.
Newt acknowledges his imperfections and has sought forgiveness. He has discovered the joy of a strong marriage to Callista. While he is reflective befitting his role as a grandfather, he maintains his enthusiasm for innovation and his excitement about new ideas and new frontiers.
The surge of support Newt Gingrich is experiencing is no accident. The surge is an acknowledgment that Newt Gingrich has prepared himself to be the president America needs.
Robert S. Walker served as a Republican congressman from Pennsylvania from 1977 to 1997. He is now executive chairman of Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates in Washington, D.C.

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