Flash: White House Knew al-Qaeda Was Rising Threat In Libya Region
John Nolte
The information we're learning today about the Obama administration's incompetence and dishonesty surrounding the terrorist attack in Libya that cost four American lives, is breathtaking.
2. The consulate had been attacked twice prior to 9/11/12.
And now the Washington Post reports that…
3. After the ousting of Gaddafi from
Libya, as Obama led from behind, al-Qaeda was able to get their hands on
all kinds of weapons.
4. Prior to the 9/11/12 attack on our
consulate, the Obama White House was so concerned with the growing
al-Qaeda threat in North Africa (where Libya is), plans were considered
for unilateral military action:
The White House has held a series of secret meetings in recent months to examine the threat posed by al-Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and consider for the first time whether to prepare for unilateral strikes, U.S. officials said.
The deliberations reflect concern that al-Qaeda’s African affiliate
has become more dangerous since gaining control of large pockets of
territory in Mali and acquiring weapons from post-revolution Libya. The
discussions predate the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. compounds in Libya but
gained urgency after the assaults there were linked to al-Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM.
U.S. officials said the
discussions have focused on ways to help regional militaries confront
al-Qaeda but have also explored the possibility of direct U.S. intervention if the terrorist group continues unchecked. …
White House officials declined to comment.
Two attacks on the consulate, direct
threats made by al-Qaeda in the days leading up to the attacks, and
enough concern over a growing al-Qaeda threat in North Africa that
military action was considered… And yet, we did absolutely nothing to
increase the security around our consulate. Which translates into the
fact that we did nothing to protect our human or intelligence assets in
the region.
This is nothing short of criminal
negligence. And the only question this new information answers is why,
for over a week, the Obama White House lied about the attack being the
result of a spontaneous protest gone bad.
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