Saturday, November 10, 2012

Planned Parenthood: Obama Victory Ensures More Dead Babies


Planned Parenthood SC Planned Parenthood: Obama victory ensures more dead babies
While conservatives in general bemoan an enormous setback for traditional American values after Tuesday’s election, members of the left’s core constituency are applauding Obama’s radical agenda and the fact that it will continue through at least 2016.

Chief among those cheerleaders is Planned Parenthood, which receives nearly $500 million in confiscatory tax money per year, according to the most recent data available. In return, the nationwide group founded by racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger takes the innocent lives of well above 300,000 unborn babies annually.
In an email to supporters, Planned Parenthood’s president said she was “thrilled … to be celebrating the re-election of President Barack Obama.”
Under his purported leadership, she said that American women “can count on birth control with no co-pays and increased access to affordable care.”
I’m still not sure why any medical condition for which I seek a doctor’s care invariably comes with a co-pay, but it becomes a birthright to fully furnish a promiscuous woman’s prophylactics.
Of course, Planned Parenthood’s vision of birth control ostensibly includes anything from condoms to infanticide, which is why her statements infuriate so many on the right.
Calling conservative opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion “a year of relentless, outrageous attacks on women’s health and rights,” the organization’s president looked forward to “another four years of a president who is an outspoken supporter of Planned Parenthood.” Though she completely misrepresented the position of the pro-life crowd, her characterization of Obama was spot on.
Once again, she parroted the tired line that those against subsidizing Planned Parenthood are “prepared to cut women off from cancer screenings.” I’m fairly certain doctors outside of baby death camps also provide such services; but, unlike her, I’m no expert.
This extremist, pro-abortion spokesperson did get one thing right in her fawning endorsement of leftist ideology.
Once again referring to her despised conservative opposition, she said, “you can bet they won’t be quiet in the weeks and months to come.”
Amen, sister.

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